I Cracked the Instagram Algorithm to Sell MORE (Without Being Salesy)




I Cracked the Instagram Algorithm to Sell MORE (Without Being Salesy)

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Download HubSpot’s Official Social Media Strategy Workbook [FREE RESOURCE]

Are you tired of influencers constantly bombarding you with sales pitches? So are we! In today’s video, we’re diving into a refreshing take on how to sell on social media without making your audience cringe or tune out. Say goodbye to “salesy” vibes and hello to engagement and authenticity!

Let’s face it, selling on social media can be tough. Cringe-worthy ads, audience drop-offs, and those pesky algorithms that seem to hate external links. Just look at my own stats: 30k reach with an ad link vs. 120k without! Yikes, right?

Well, ladies and gentlemen, I’ve cracked the code and am sharing my top 5 ways to sell on social media without being too salesy.

Ready to level up your social media game? Let’s get selling, but make it subtle!

Chapter timestamps:
0:00 Intro
1:00 DM on Instagram
2:15 Show the process
3:38 Show the results
4:25 Share your activities / Instagram Notes
5:32 Engage with feedback

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I think we can all agree that there is a Sentiment these days that influencers Are selling too much on their social Media that a lot of creators just post Something because they have a brand deal For that post now how do we sell on Social media without being too salesy And without upsetting our subscribers I Even noticed that Instagram algorithms Punish you for posting links and stories When I post a set of stories without any Links I can get 100,000 views or 120,000 Use per story but if I end my stories With a link suddenly my reach Falls to 20 or 30,000 basically platforms want Users to follow certain behaviors like Staying in their feed or interacting With a post but not leaving the platform By clicking an external link so in this Video we're going to talk about selling Through social media without being too Salesy and without upsetting the Algorithms here are five ways that I've Implemented on my social media accounts And I will tell you they work number one And I think you've seen this trend on Instagram it's the new way to sell and This way is called DM plus keyw so for Example I have recently posted several Reels on how I fly a business class for Almost three because I'm collecting Miles and normally when I post something Like this people follow up with the Little questions like what are the cars

That you recommend where can I get them How do I collect miles so I decided to Create a post for them where not only I Explain uh what I do but also also give Them a list of cards that they can get In order to start collecting miles but Instead of linking to the website ask Them to DM me the word flight and Basically what happens people start Following the behavior that the Algorithm encourages they start Interacting with your real they start Dming you with a keyword and I've had Several conversations with social media People and uh they told that the Algorithm actually likes when people are Active and when they're commenting so This mechanic not only helps you with Sales but it also increases your reach Because people are commenting and They're interacting so as a result People interact with my real they DM me Keyword and then in DMs I send them the Link they apply for credit cards and I Get commission for that now the second Thing is you kind of have to always be Selling without actually selling by Basically showing the process showing People behind the scenes will actually Make them interested in your product so For example I've recently showed how I Interacted with a certain AI feature uh To prepare for my content and several Days later I actually placed an ad for

That feature because it was a brand deal But the thing is it was genuine because People saw me using it people saw me Being excited about it the same with my Product if I'm launching a course if I'm Launching something or maybe preparing An event I would actually show people Behind the scenes like hey here's me Like working with our developers or here Is me thinking about this this and that So it's always about being really Authentic and advertising and selling Things that are part of your life and it Will become much easier for you to Create content around that and people Will trust you more and you won't sound Too salesy when you actually start Selling now remember to make this entire Strategy effective you need to have an Execution plan that's where templates Come in handy I just came across the Social media strategy template from HubSpot it's made for you to lay down All the groundw work to craft a social Strategy that not only engages but also Sells you can use this plan both for Your content and your sales strategy and In a way that's authentic to you this Free template is over 12 pages long and If you want it I'll make sure to drop a Link in the description below number Three always share results of your work If somebody posts a story thanking you For the product you just have to repost

But if no one's sharing the stories by Sharing reviews of your products you can Encourage that social engagement for Example we have certain highlights where We just screenshot reviews from our Customers and uh we have a special Hashtag so what we do we actually Screenshot reviews from our customer Customers and create highlights so Anytime people are interested in our Product they can go and read user Testimonials and also when you share Those in your story that shows that you Care about users feedback and we always See that if I share something like oh Somebody reviewed my workbook or Somebody reviewed my course other people Start following up with stories because They also want to be featured on my Profile and we do that all the time for All my products number four I'm going to Talk about a new feature Instagram just Released it's available on one of my my Instagram profiles it's not available on The other one so please check if it's Available for you but I think it's Really effective from what I see you Can't really measure the effectiveness Of it but basically the feature is Called notes and whenever you post a Note first of all people see it right Away when they open their DM so you get Prioritized by the algorithm and the way I've been using it is actually sharing

My location so for example I went to the Can film festival and I shared that I'm In can and people started dming me oh my God you're also here let's meet up and This is how I find creators to collab This is how I find business partners to Meet up with and meeting people in Person is the best thing ever so I Personally use those notes to mark my Location because even if people are Subscribed it doesn't necessarily mean That they see my reals that they see my Stories but this feature bumps me up the Algorithm basically helps me uh to reach More of my subscribers so I always use It whenever I'm traveling and there are Other use cases how you can use it I see People notifying that they just posted a New real or they created a new product Or they suppos see stories Etc and Number five as basic as it sounds always Engage with your audience if you are Larger Creator and are getting more DMS It's actually worth hiring someone to go Through your DMs because first of all They going to be liking posts they going To be res sharing stories and uh they're Going to be replying to people who are Providing useful feedback so for example If I'm advertising a product and Somebody has a problem with it I will Always get back to the company and Screenshot a message and say like hey This user is actually struggling with

Downloading something please check and Again don't forget that for every Strategy you need an execution plan you Need templates on how to reply to DM you Need a set of instructions to make it Work so follow the link in the Description and get this social media Strategy template for free and of course Please share and comments below if You've tried strategies on Instagram or Other social media that work for you in Terms of sales and of course if you have Any tips to share or you've tried Several other strategies please feel Free to share them in the comments below See you soon bye [Music]

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