10 Clever use cases of AI Marketing (start before it is too late)




10 Clever use cases of AI Marketing (start before it is too late)

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When it comes to AI marketing and Integrating AI Tools in their workflows There are two types of digital marketers The first type is like a frog in a Boiling Pot of water if you don't know If you put a frog in boiling water it'll Immediately jump out of the water to Save its life but if you place the same Frog in cold water and start boiling it Where the temperature starts increasing Slowly you know what happens the frog Doesn't realize the danger until it's Too late and in almost all cases the Frog will die in the boiling water water And same way these type of digital Marketers are waiting for some event or Something until it becomes very obvious That they have to use different AI tools To stay relevant in the industry only by Then it'll be too late and then there is The second category of people who have Understood this that it's inevitable and As soon as possible they need to Leverage these AI tools but most of them Have limited themselves and they think What AI can do is just create ad copies Or email copies or write blogs for them And that's why after extensively using Different AI tools I have come up with This video where I will show you the Endless possibilities to use AI Tools in Our day-to-day Work and before we start with our first Use case keep in mind the use cases are

Arranged in the order of increasing Complexity which means the first use Case is less complex and the complexity Increases with every other use case case The first one I'm going to show you is About market research so here's my Prompt I asked chat GPT analyze the Internet and give me five top social Media platforms used in UAE KSA and Qatar provide Market penetration in Percentage as well as in numbers segment The data in a table by country and Further by age group also provide the Pie charts of the platform penetration For each market separately now when you Work with a client a new client and you Have to give them your strategy and Rational behind how does the market look Look like how are we which channels we Are going to use this is one of the Important parts that needs to be in your Strategy and here if you see this is What chat GPT gave me that for every Market like UAE from age group 13 to 17 Facebook there are 2.8 million users Instagram YouTube Tik Tok Twitter and For each age group it's showing me that How many people use a particular Platform which you can use for example For you'll tell the client okay our Strategy is like this we are investing This much money on Facebook because this Is how many people use Facebook in UAE And for example if the client says our

Target market is 18 to 34 for example in My case this is the age group which buys A lot of courses so this is the number Of people that will use Facebook in this Age group this is what Instagram and Accordingly you adjust your strategy and Trust me when I used to work with an Agency we used to have paid tools we Used to pay a lot of money just to get This kind of data and sometimes times we Have to use multiple tools to get this Data and this is what it does it gave me Age group for each country similarly and Then Market penetration is showing me in Uh text format as well and then it's Showing me pie charts and the good thing Is when you do such presentations you Have to basically mention what is the Source of your data you cannot just Mention it there so if you see the Sources here are very reliable sources Data reportal Global digital insights Melt water nexor digital marketing and Statista which is like one of the most Reputed uh company which provides this Kind of data okay convert the above pie Charts and bar graphs which would make More sense for this kind of data Obviously and then it's showing for UA It's showing for each platform what is Um the reach so clearly YouTube and Facebook uh with Instagram are taking a Lead and similarly it's showing for Other markets just to give you an idea I

Used to pay $400 for statista for a year To just get this kind of data now you Have it readily available I wanted to Show you one more example search online And tell me the top five digital Marketing course institutes in India Don't list the aggregators like Udi Skillshare etra I want only companies Who have created their own courses and Webinars for example if my client was a A company like mine who sells digital Marketing courses uh and this is a very Simple prom here are the top digital Marketing course institutes in India That have their own courses and webinars Digital Vidya and details about them Indian Institute of digital education Details about them Delhi Institute of Digital marketing simply learn National Institute of digital marketing here if You know the computers you can just tell It okay these are my computers can you Give me overview analysis okay now Search the internet for their reviews on Their sites Google reviews Kora and Other websites where they are mentioned And let me know what are the top five Negative comment themes what are the Students what have students highlighted As the biggest five pain points when we Used to work on a strategy one person Would just do this and it'll take them Days based on the reviews from the Various sources like Google reviews Kora

Trust pilot and other websites here the Top five negative comments course Content quality and relevance many Students have highlighted that while the Courses cover a wide range of topics Some topics are outdated instruction Quality and consistency there were Complaints about the inconsistency in The quality of the instructor some Students mentioned that while a few Instructors are highly knowledgeable the Others are not as effective in Delivering material customer support and Uh responsiveness placement assistance Although many institutes promis strong Placement support some students felt That the assistance provided did not Meet their expectations High course fees The course of these significant paying Points for several students or whatever So what's the average cost of their Course tuck tuck tuck digital Vidia this This this this this 60 70,000 and some Of them like 115,000 Indian rupees as Well now tell me the pain points of Students only from the comments from Kora.com and reddit.com outdated course Content High course fees quality of Instructors placement assistance Customer support and responsiveness what Are the five good things people have Mentioned about Umar tasir on internet For example I know that he is a good uh Instructor and he's a good friend as

Well so uh he is a strong figure on YouTube okay here are the five aspects Frequently mentioned about Umar tasir on Internet Umar tasir coures are well Structured comprehensive uh clear and Engaging style regular updates and Industry relevant support your learning Community accessibility and availability Of resources now this content is gold Now I can go ahead and I can ask chat GPT you know what based on these pain Points can you draft an ad copy which is Engaging for the users obviously when It's drafts a an ad copy or ad copy Variations where it highlights that we Don't have these problems or these are The pain points we are going to solve For students imagine the impact of that Ad copy like the possibilities are Endless I'm just showing you like a Sneak peek now I'm going to show you Something very amazing now for example As digital marketers or digital Marketing agencies or Consultants focus Groups is a very important part of Marketing and it used to be expensive Like not many companies can afford it Like I have just seen few companies in My life which can uh invest in focus Groups because it's a lot of problem how You create the questionnaire for the Focus group and how you draw the Insight This is uh what I'm doing for a focus Group for a client for example I work as

A digital marketing consultant for Rena Dealership in Dubai their computers are Mitsubishi Nissan Honda Toyota Kia Ford And Hundai they are facing a huge issue In the concentration phase of the funnel It really makes U they really rarely Make to the top three options for a new Car buyer we are targeting people who Started working on um uh jobs below Managerial positions and Housewives and SMA businesses who can use the cars Rena Cars for the staff or Fleet to draft a Marketing strategy to overcome the issue Of consideration we want to do a focus Group or roll out a survey to understand The reasons because if if you are a Digital marketing agency and you want to Work with Rena to have a strategy for Them when you know that the problem is Consideration and the client even told You you first have to understand like Why why people don't consider them That's when when you understand the Reasons you draft your marketing Strategy that's how it's done could you List down 10 multiple choice questions For the survey the question should be Short to increase the fill rate here are Some questions when considering a new Car purchase what factors are most Important to you when considering car uh What car Brands come to your mind uh First when thinking about a car brand so These are the initial questions then it

Goes deeper what sources of information Do you rely on when researching new cars How would you rate your familiarity with Renault as a car brand what is the Perception of Renault compared to other Brands what is uh what are the Attributes do you associate with Reno With these questions you will exactly Understand what the problem is and then You can just take this questionnaire Send it to any agency Who does these Focus groups and once they give you the Responses you go go back to chat GP tell It these are the responses now tell me What I should do what kind of channels Should I use what kind of targeting Should I use what kind of ads and AD Copies and messaging in the videos shall We create to overcome this now if you're A small agency I go here or you're a Small company now challenge the survey To more specific questions as we will be Rolling this survey within our company Employees and everyone has to Participate so we could make these Questions very direct to understand the Problem at deeper levels I'm asking it To give this survey I can create a Google sheet send it to all employees Within the agency to get the feedback Imagine it'll take you days and days to Draft these questions now it's giving You when considering a new purchase Which Rena models do you find most

Appealing and all these questions once You get all the data in Google forms you Fill back it to chat GPT it can give you The strategy all for free this one will Be all for free and this is crazy this Is crazy I'm just trying to show you Like how you should think what kind of Uses can these tools have for you and One thing you might have noted already One of the most important factors that Determines basically what kind of out Quality output you get from these tools Is how you draft your prompt and I Myself have spent extensive hours Learning this skill and I recently read This amazing ebook which covers this Topic and the ebook is called using Generative AI to scale your content Operations and you can download it for Free from the link in the description Below the books starts from the basics Like what is generative Ai and how to Access generative AI then there is a Section I mentioned called All About Prompts it also talks extensively about Some interesting strategies on how you Can use generative AI in marketing and Content strategies specifically my Favorite part in the ebook is the Section where it shows some very Interesting examples of impact on Outcome images with small changes in the Prompts with some great examples I Highly recommend to go through this

Ebook and this ebook was made by hubs SP Who is also sponsoring this video so This brings us to our third use case Which is creating different kind of Templates and customer onboarding now if You know that on my website I sell Templates like I sell media plan Templates I sell customer onboarding Templates and other templates as well And it used to take a lot of work to Create these but with J GPT now it's Super easy so for an example you uh are Talking to a New Prospect client who's a Real estate agency they want to work With you like now those guys they are Experienced in real estate gen leads and Selling properties but they don't know How digital media works for that you Need to explain to them how it works and You need to get information from them Initially so that it's useful for you to Tell them something which they Understand and they relate to understand What to ask is a huge task as well Generally experienced people who have Worked with a lot of clients they go to These meetings and they do this customer Onboarding or you send them a Questionnaire to fill in but what Question should you ask this is what I I Can use chat gp4 I'm working with a Client who is a real estate broker Company based in Dubai they want to run Digital marketing paid campaigns to

Generate leads on their website in order To work on a media plan for them provide Me a list of questions I should ask them In order to create an efficient media Plan business objectives primary goals That's the first thing you ask them and That's very important to understand Because they don't understand okay how What is awareness what is leads what is Sales and like how we can control these Things on digital media front right for That you need to Understand exactly and what kpis or Indicators they will use some real Estate clients will tell you listen we Are generating leads it's all good but The quality of leads is not that great And we waste a lot of time to validate These leads so our kpi is how many what Percentage of leads are good leads and Then it's asking you to ask about Demographics because some real estate Agents they just want to focus on Russia Market Russian clients and things like That geographical targeting where do you Want to focus and uh then budget and Timeline campaign duration service Offerings like what do they what are They selling Apartments Villas whatever Residential commercial current marketing Efforts and it's very important to Understand what they're doing currently Uh digital marketing preferences Preferred platforms content types some

Real estate agencies will tell you Listen uh if you ask us to create a Video of a tour in a house or somebody a Real estate agent talking about Questions and answers we can give you That some will be like no we don't want Just design um design creatives website And landing pages do they have one Website do they have multiple landing Pages for each property different Domains comput analysis compliance and Legal customer relationship manage Manager it even considered compliance And legal because for example in uuaa All the real estate agencies who Advertise they have to add one Particular registration number so Imagine the depth of the questioner it's Asking you make it in a tabular form and For each question add an example answer For the client to understand what kind Of input answer we are expecting because Sometimes you will send these questions To them and they don't know what to Answer because they don't know what You're talking about preference on Platforms what do you mean Google ads LinkedIn ads so here it gives you a Table business objectives uh what are Your primary goals example answer our Primary goals is to generate leads for Residential Properties in Dubai and Stuff like that budget timeline it's Even telling you uh what should be their

Ideal answer so you can just copy this In an Excel file or ask CH GPT to give It in an Excel file send it to the Client add one more column that listen This is the example answer that's how What kind of answer we are expecting and Ask ask them to fill this for you once For all so that there is no to Andro and Our next use case is media planning now I have demonstrated this before on one Of the videos but as a media planner Honestly chat GPT does a very good job It finishes like 80% of your work and Keep in mind in this video the use case I'm showing you I'm just showing you the Initial few questions I ask it obviously You can make it much better but then This video will become huge and for that We are already creating an AI marketing Course which will go live on YouTube as Well as on our website so stay tuned for That so this is my prompt for uh a media Plan act as a very senior media planner For Performance Marketing consider the UAE as a market for the media campaigns On Performance Marketing create a media Plan the start date is August 1 the Budget is this uh and needs to be Allocated Google search YouTube meta Tik Tok programmatic advertising display The Advertiser is Mr which is a real estate Property developer in UAE they want to Generate more leads to sell their Apartments in a project Their audience

In firsttime home buyers and investors Who want to invest to generate rental Income and property value appreciation Create a media plan in a tabular form With rational for each Channel budget Allocation mention the audiences that Needs to be targeted on each platform And keywords to be targeted on Google Search also for programmatic display Find few portals that should be targeted In your campaign this is 80% of the job Okay it already created this media plan Google search this is the budget YouTube This is the budget rational effective For capturing High intent users actively Searching for properties listen this is My strategy I always take the first Chunk of the budget for Google search Because they are the highest intent for Real estate and most of the clients Audience targeting these are the Audience talking keywords it's giving You sample keywords similarly meta Facebook visual ads to reach abroad Audience interested in lifestyle and Real estate location based targeting in UA interest related to home buying and Real estate and then it's showing all of This data this is like the initial then It's providing you rational for each Channel why we should use that because Sometimes you have to accompany your Media plan with a presentation to tell The client why we are investing in a

Particular Channel and then it's telling You programmatic display portals you Should consider is Bay property finder DUIs Gulf news property KH times Property that's it honestly this is what A very senior media planner will say in Uh UA who has experience here in the Table and uh add expected CPM Impressions CTR C Cades and CPL for each Platform also add the format that should Be used for each platform now it's Adding the budget now it's showing you Uh CPL CPM CTR cper leads ad format Rational and audience keyword audience Targeting and keywords now this is a Complete media plan but only thing You'll have to do is just do the sense Check on the CPM and cper leads which The uh media planner which the the Platform reach planners are showing you Maybe they are just a bit more or less So you can adjust these but rest you Don't have to do anything and then it's Also showing formats which formats to Use in each platform and why then I Asked it give me a list of all keywords That should be targeted on Google Search And also tell me if you're missing any Critical platform for this type of Campaign coning the UAE Market it gives Me the list segregated in different ad Groups and then missing platform for a Real estate campaign in UAE consider Whether any of these platforms might be

Beneficial in addition to Google search YouTube meta and blah blah blah LinkedIn Rational LinkedIn is an effective for Targeting professionals and investors Who may be interested in high value real Estate Investments this is crazy local Rental estate prop uh portals uh bio Property finder dubis highly popular it Already mentioned it email marketing Rational email campaigns targeted at an Existing database through Partnerships With real estate agencies could be Effective but this happens in UAE you Talk to Gulf business or any of these uh Data providers and tell them listen we Have an offer we are uh selling this Property can you uh just send an email To all of your database this happens in UA and this is what is telling you SM Marketing and affiliate marketing and All of that partnering with real estate Bloggers on influencers who can drive Traffic and generate leads through uh Their established honestly this is this Is what a very senior uh media planner Will do like you don't need anything Just a bit of sense check 80% 90% of the Job is done can you give me the above Table in an excels format and then it'll Give you in an excels file which you can Download and make changes or send it Directly to the client then I'm saying Have you considered search okay then I Asked one more question to challeng chat

GPT have you considered the search Volume on Google before allocating the Budget to Google search so you're saying We should allocate 10,000 but what if The traffic is much much more uh there's More opportunity or there is not much Traffic for example if you are working On a plan for $2 million then it cannot Allocate this percentage because there Might not be enough traffic the initial Budget allocation for Google search was Based on General assumptions about the Effectiveness of the search advertising For high intent users how considering The search vol and computer relevant Critical let's refine appro approach by Estimated search volume and Competitiveness now it changed it's even Showing you how much search volume for Each keyword how much is the competition And what is the suggested bid and then It's considering and redrafting the Media plan so now it's telling you total 17,500 can be reallocate uh should be Allocated to Google search and remaining 7,500 can be allocated to other channels Or res for optimization this revised Media plan like if I spend 10 more Minutes here I can directly send the Media plan to the client I don't need to Do anything guys this like it's not just It's putting the numbers together it's The rational behind it like if I read Through this description I go to the

Client present the media plan they ask Me any questions I already have answers To all of them even including the new Channels we should Introduce okay the next use case we have Is reporting analysis which is is a very Very important skill for any performance Marketer now to give you an example I Have this report here which is from Facebook ads about it shows date wise on Each placement for each ad group what Was the ad set what was the creative What how many Impressions click C or add To card purchase purchase value and add Spend now this is a very complicated Report which has around 4,865 rows which is a very very huge Report now to understand any insights From this it will take a lot of Experience and a lot of time and some Excel skills to understand basically What's going on now I go to chat GPT I Upload this report I say analyze the Facebook ads report as a d data analyst Who is also an expert in Performance Marketing it's important because data Analyst sometimes does not understand Performance Marketing so it needs to be Someone who has both the skills we are Trying to maximize sales and sales Volume and Ras from this campaign Keeping that in mind give me the top Five recommendations and insights from This report in terms of what kind of

Creative age group placement is working And some additional Insight so I'm told It this is our Focus we want to optimize Give me some insights okay I forgot to Add the report it's asking for a report I upload it here now it aggregated it And these are the top five Recommendation and insights creative Type single image ads it's saying that Single image ads has the highest uh Ras These two age groups had the best Ras Because it's focusing on that and Similarly it's telling you which Placement which engagement metrics uh Budget allocation efficient ad spin how You should do additional insights add Frequency seasonality and timing and Then there are some additional insights Is providing you but that's not what I'm Want to show you next so this is like The overview now I want to dig deeper Create a bar graph showing ad spend Sales and sales volume for each creative Type now it's giving me this graph which I'll just expand here and it's Interactive as well so you can change The colors and everything now it's Showing for example it becomes very Evident from this report that most of The sales were generated from long video And single image Carousel and short Video These two creatives had higher Spend than single image this one spent $5,600 dollar and shorts uh spent

$111,000 however single image generated $61,000 revenue and uh short video only 32,000 now this is the first impact like You see okay single image and long video Are doing better create a bar graph Showing roas and cost per sale for each Creative type and it's providing you Here and you can see that the highest Ras you have for single image which is Way way better than all the creative Types here like look at the insides if You're are providing a report to the Client and not just for your Understanding you can just copy paste it There and write this rational there like Okay you know what this is the Observation it used to take a lot of Time for people to do show me a bar Graph showing robas and cost per sale For each AG group now it's showing you Age group wise and then asked it show me Roas cost per sale and spend across each Ad set now it's showing all these Details for each adet because now if you Look at this the adets we are using is Prospecting look alike and retargeting Now they're using the relevant audiences And you can see like which targeting Strategy is working for you how much Budget we are spending on each targeting Strategy show me a conversion rate for Add to card to sale for each creative Type now the conversion rate is almost Similar but still like uh I think simil

Image has single image has the highest Converstion rate which is like if they Clicked on this ad they added to the Card how many of them actually did the Purchase which actually does not depend Much on the creative type but you can do Such kind of analysis and anything you Can ask it any question and it will give You a bar graph you want to generate a Complicated report you want to create a Table like anything is possible like Honestly if you have a report upload it And play around with it you will get Amazing insights like this is 15 minutes And I almost got most of the data which I can present to the client the next use Case we have is content marketing now if You remember a few years ago any company Any big company they used to have blogs On their website just to get organic Traffic for example I'm a new tracker What kind of uh gear should I buy There'll be a lot of blogs from Jack Wolf skin and Northface and all these Companies so that they have these blogs People click on these blogs go to the Website read about it and then they can Buy their products like this is called Content marketing a lot of companies Used to focus a lot on this but now Video has become a new Vlog kind of Thing and a lot of businesses spend a Lot of money on organic video content Creation content marketing so that they

Can basically have an authority in that Particular Niche now this is very simple Now for example this is my um prompt act As a digital marketing strategy just and Analyze the YouTube and Google Trends my Client is a consultant based in Dubai Who helps people and companies outside UA to set up their business here in UA Which is a real use case this is a real Use case uh in different economic free Zones I have done This these people generally set up their Business in UAE for the ease of setting Startups and save on taxes and have Another residency and leverage to visit The country and uh work from here Whenever they want I'm suggesting them To create a content on YouTube uh to Generate organic leads and have an Authority in this industry in Dubai give Me five ideas for the YouTube topics and Cover the points they should discuss in The video as well as thumbnail ideas and Title for each video their focus is to Generate leads from Russia this is the Project I'm still working on here are The five YouTube video ideas for your Client Channel focusing on generating Leads from Russia and establishing Authority in the industry how to set up A business in UAE free zones a Step-by-step guide for Russian Entrepreneurs points to discuss it's Even telling what should you discuss in

This video introduction to UAE free Zones and benefits specific free zones Common challenges ta how to set up Business now this is working really well For my client because a lot of people Who want to do this they go to YouTube Search for it they find that video they Feel like okay these guys know what they Are talking about they reach out to them And ask them and they're getting a lot Of leads from that this is a crazy idea And even it's giving you a thumbnail Idea a split image with the Russian flag On one side and iconic Dubai landmarks On the other side text overlay Step-by-step guide like showing you the Arrow how to set up a business in UA uh Free zone a step-by-step guide for rest Entrepreneurs second video tax benefits Of setting up a business in UA for Russians these are the pain points now Chad GPT understood these are the pain Points for Russians uh entrepreneurs and It's generating video ideas based on That and not just randomly uh third one Residency and Visa benefits for Russian Setting up business in UAE top free Zones in Dubai and this is is what Exactly these people search on YouTube Just with one prompt it's considering Everything uh because this is a very uh Much searched keyboard top free zones in Dubai for Russian entrepreneurs they Search for this when they already decide

That we have to do it then the fifth Idea is success stories Russian Entrepreneurs thriving in V free zones Imagine the diversity of content it's Suggesting Honestly this is a very high paying Consultant can do this for you and this Is free of cost and 5 minutes one simple Prompt okay they also want to shoot a Podcast with one of their existing Clients who set up his company in UAE And now in four years they are Generating a revenue of 100 million USD Give me some question ideas which the Host should ask him to encourage people To reach out to them and be interested In setting up businesses with them at The same time the podcast should be Interesting as well as not completely Biased towards praising the company add Some questions about the overall journey Of their existing client so now they're Saying okay you know you know what we Have a client who is interested to come On a podcast you don't even have to Think about the questions here are the Questions can you introduce yourself can You share your journey from initial Setup phase to reaching 100 million Revenue what were some of the biggest Challenges you faced in setting up your Business in UAE how did you overcome Those challenges benefits then questions Related to benefits questions related to

Working with the consultant advice and Recommendations personal insights and Future plans conclusion and call to Action if you have this structure in a Podcast it's definitely going to work Give me the title for this video and Thumbnail idea from startup to 100 Million USD success story of a Russian Entrepreneur in UAE look at the even the T you don't need to do anything this is Crazy and scary at the same time also Give me the idea for their content Calendar for their T Tik Tok for first Month and highlight the content pillars They should choose for their Tik Tok and Segment the content ideas in these Pillars I'm telling it okay they will Also post on their Tik Tok and Instagram Tell me the content calendar what kind Of uh content should they produce it's Saying that these are the pillars you Should have you should post content About educational content client success Tips and advice behind the scenes and Engagement and challenges then it's even Telling you for educational content what Should be the first video second video For each category it's showing you what Kind of videos you don't need anything a Digital Mark social media marketing Agency used to do this and now honestly This is doing very good job very very Good job now our next use case is how to Draft ad copies I know I told you in the

Beginning don't just think ad copies and Email but then now to generate ad copies You can use different scientific Approaches to create these ad copies I'll just give you a very quick example I'm working with a boxing gym uh as a Marketing consultant in Dubai they want To run Performance Marketing campaigns On meta ads and generate registrations For the membership the target audience Is healthy conscious people health Conscious people as as high earning Individuals but who are very active on Social media we have the data about These audiences and we are targeting Them as custom audience act as a Copywriter and create ad copies which Invoke testosterone activation dopamine Activation and cortisol activation Provide two ad copies for each category Then it's telling you to invoke or do The test testosterone activation these Are the ad copies unish your inner Champion join our Elite Boxing Club and Then elevate your strength premium Boxing memberships available and then You can do dopamine activation uh Feel The Rush exciting Boxing class is now Open similarly it's showing for cortisol Fight stress with boxing join our gym Today and then you can do an experiment For our audience what kind of AD copies Work better now this is like an initial Draft if I spend 15 minutes on here I

Can get very very amazing results and But I need to know like what kind of Marketing strategies or psychological Strategies we should use I'm just giving You an example then I told her Okay add Some ad copies around being Alpha the Pack because that's what one of the Consultants told us uh that when it Comes to boxing gym uh because most of The people learn these kind of skills Boxing and martial arts just to show Their leadership in them right this was One of the outcomes of the research Anyways so I can go here collate it here And tell it okay use being Alpha in the Pack and now it's say okay be the alpha Join our Elite Boxing Club stand out From the crowd and lead your Park and Stuff if I spend like 30 minutes on here I can just come up with very very Scientific ad copies and like which are Based on science the next one is Defining the testing architecture most Of the performance marketers think that Okay when we do ab test we just have two Ad copies and then see which one Generates higher CTR but in companies Who are conscious about data they don't Consider these kind of tests because you Cannot just compare ctrs of two ad Copies and see which one is doing better Because it can be just a chance that one Creative spend more money to do this you Need specialized data techniques have

Data about a particular AB test with Clicks uh CPL impression CTR whatever And all Char GP to calculate the mean or Standard deviation which data analyst Used to do and once it gives to you that And then you can employ very scientific And data specific test like T Test or Tsquare which used to be done by very Specialized data analyst now all you Need to know is what to do you go ahead And ask chat GPT use this particular Architecture and tell me the results of This particular test and not just this You can do causation and correlation Analysis of different kind of tests Which you you obviously cannot just go Ahead and do it you first need to Understand what they are why they are Used and if you're interested in data Analytics being a very data Centric Performance Marketing you can learn About these basic things and then ask Chat GP to to do this for you and the Next one which a lot of companies are Focusing on is now lifetime value Analysis now uh high value audiences High value actions a lot of companies do That and if you are in a company where You have these kind this kind of data Huge data dumps you can go ahead on chat GPT and you can do all of this like the Lifetime value analysis of a customer For example if you're spending $20 to Acquire a new customer you can actually

Do what is the average lifetime value of My customer like how much money am I Going to make from each customer is it Worth to spend $20 on it you can do high Value actions like chat GPT can identify In your customer Journey which are the Most important actions which lead to Basically the profit of the company you Should focus on that you can create a Small example would be based on that you Can create uh an audience for example if You come to know add to cart is a very High value action for us then you can go Ahead create an audience based on add to Cart and Target these uh customers or You if you have enormous data you can Upload it to chat GPT and tell it listen Identify the most valuable customers in This data dump and then you can create a Custom audience retarget them create a Lookalike audience all of this is Possible with chat GPT which used to Take specialized data not persons teams And a lot of money was spent on these Kind of things now if you just know what To do if you learn about these things You understand how they work you chat Gbt can do it for you now these are the Top use cases I think you should already Be doing because this space is growing So much that it's hard it's very hard to Catch up you should already be like well Wored with all of this and know how to Integrate these tools in your workflow

Honestly otherwise it's very very scary Now if you agree with me and and you Come up with a very good uh prompt which Generates good results or is a very good Use case let me know in the comments the Top five prompts I like I'll give you The AI marketing course for free and Stay tuned for the AI marketing course Which we are currently building and I'll Put the link in the description below Where I'll have all these prompts I used In this video thank you so much I will See you in the next one now this leads Us to our Second Use case which is about Rfps now it might not be useful for all Of you because maybe you do not work at That level but it's very very important To understand this if you want to grow In your career RFP is request for Proposal when all the big companies they Want onboard a consultant or an agency What they do is they put together an RFP And then they roll out send it to Different agencies and ask them you know What this is our requirement and that's How they select one agency that's how it Works in UAE or all the companies I have Worked with all the big companies do Like this and this kind of work like Responding to an RFP creating an RFP or Uh analyzing an RFP this is generally Done by the most senior people in Agencies and they have this attitude Okay we know this but Chad GPT made it

Very simple I recently worked with one Client a huge client and they wanted my Help just to create an RFP just to Understand their requirement document it So that I can create an RFP and they can Send it to agencies to ask them to come And present because they tried that the Agencies used to come they did not Understand business they did not Understand what they want and the agency Is used to basically uh say things in a Very different direction and the client Felt like they don't understand what we Want and that's when they realize that They need something called an RFP and They need an experienced person to Understand what should go in the RFP so This is uh my prompt I'll put all these Prompts in one file which you can Download for free from my website create An RFP doc around 20 Pages for my Company called Senator viran ads FZ we Sell online courses on our website right This is our website we also sell digital Products like templates used for digital Marketing agencies and consultants and Freelancers we have blah blah blah blah And this is what it provided me request For proposal Senate a on ads RFP roll Out dat this proposal submission Deadline this introduction to company Objectives these are the three Objectives and then these are the target Markets scope of work proposal

Requirements what needs to go in the Proposal executive summary media plan Computer research content strategy Performance and Reporting uh team Information fin financial plan sample Content Direction now the agency Understands okay this is what we need to Put in our strategy which we will send It needs to have these eight components Super easy terms and conditions the Agency will provide um add account Access which provide accordingly Confidentiality this one it added Automatically because I told it to add Relevant terms and conditions proposal Validity evaluation criteria proposal Will be evaluated on strategy creative Feasibility and financial plan timeline This is the timeline next steps the Proposals will be evaluated and short List candidates will be invited to Present their proposal contact Information it's asking me add your Contact information here and your links Here so there are no questions from the Agencies it solves a lot of problems so If I'm a digital marketing manager in a Company and my company says we need to Short list an agency or a consultant can You create an RFP that's it I create This send it to agencies they have all The information and this is the final File honestly I could just go ahead and Send it directly but as I told you AI

Tool they generally finish 80% of the Work 20% you still have to do a bit and You need to know a little bit about it You need to research what else should I Shall I add now here I'll just show you Another example let's say now you are a Consultant or an agency and you received This RFP right because it's 20 pages Long you just want to get the main Information from there you can just Upload it and say Analyze This document Which is an RFB from a company and Highlight the most important points Briefly and what are they asking for Highlight if they have mentioned any Dates or budgets or de deadlines okay I Uploaded the file and it's saying okay These are the key points RFP roll out Date was this proposal deadline was this Uh company name is this this is their Objective this is the project timeline Target market is this scope of work is This that's it then I asked it make it Shorter tell me in five lines the most Important information and it summarized Everything here like literally you just Have a look and you understand what they Need what's the deadline and then you Can go and ask it to explain it to you Now related to RF there is one more Example what I did is I said okay you Know what now I know okay what they need And all now I want to draft a response I Want to draft a strategy to send it to

This client like it used to take a very Very experienced strategist to Understand the requirement create uh put A presentation together which is like The strategy as a response of this RFP But 80% of the job is done by Chad GPT In like 2 minutes I uploaded the RFP and Said the above is an RFP I received from The company Center on ads act as a paid Media strategist and a draft a Presentation with a strategy exactly as Asked in the RFP include visuals as well The response proposal you provide me I Will sense check it and submit as a Response make a nice presentation and Provide me a downloadable PPT file here Is the outline it's saying okay I'll Create the presentation da executive Summary overview of approach this is our Approach media plan it just gave you a Sample uh kind of a financial proposal To look at and then computer and market Research computer analysis this is uh You need to mention computer one there Strengths tuck tuck tuck tuck tuck now Basically it's giving you outline now I Can go ahead and ask it okay find the Top two computers about them and mention Their strengths and weak points and Whatever and then basically it gave me a Structure I create this structure then For each point I go back to chat GPT and Ask it okay for the computer analysis Tell me who are the top two computers

And what their strengths are so it'll Give me that information I'll fill it Similarly market conditions audience Persona it's telling you an ideal Persona 35 John marketing manager USA Interested in advanced digital marketing Strategies priia 28 freelancer India Looking for affordable and practical Digital marketing courses it's creating Persona for Senator reun ads strategy Content strategy this should be your Content strategy team information okay This is it's basically telling you six Slide has to be like this project Manager LS 10 years in digital marketing Then of course you need to go in your Team and see who is the content manager And change the names and their Experience and whatever financial plan It's saying okay this is how we will Allocate budget per month sample content Direction uh concept campaign okay this Is digital moner 2024 it gave you a Sample campaign and basically a download Uh D file on a presentation which will Have exactly this information and then You need to edit and to edit that that You need to go back and ask it for each Of these points to refine it and then I Asked it okay can you give me five top Trends in paid media I should include in The presentation if relevant give me Also graphs so that with this strategy I Also add a section for the client and

Tell them listen these are the top five Trends that are happening in digital Marketing so that we tell them we know What's going on we'll basically do stuff Which is trending right now and then It's saying okay these are the Artificial intelligence and machine Learning personalization and dynamic Creation video advertising Omni Channel Campaigns privacy regulations whatever Then I can go back and ask it okay tell Me what can I uh recommend to the client That if they work with us what will we Do for the Omni Channel campaigns it Will give me ideas that I can add Towards the end of the presentation and This is crazy

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