How I get free publicity in 10 minutes a day (AI Marketing)




How I get free publicity in 10 minutes a day (AI Marketing)

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How to Run an SEO Audit: Free Template, Checklist and Guide

Why Are People Saying SEO is Dead? Discover the Strategy That Exploded Our Traffic by 300%!

In a world where SEO is constantly evolving, many are claiming it’s dead. But today, I’m here to prove them wrong with a strategy that’s not just surviving but thriving.

Before diving into the nitty-gritty, we’ll go over what makes this strategy a game-changer in the SEO landscape. We’re talking about leveraging platforms like HARO and Sourcebottle to earn high-quality backlinks from top-tier publications. Here’s a quick breakdown of what we’ll cover:

* Creating Killer Profiles on HARO & Sourcebottle
* Automating Query Searches
* Crafting the Perfect Pitch
* Managing Follow-Ups & Tracking Success

Ready to transform your SEO game? Let’s get into it!

Chapter timestamps:
0:00 Intro
0:26 The Strategy
2:07 Setting Up Your Profile
2:54 The Tools
4:55 Your Pitch

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Why are people saying SEO is dead recent Organic algorithm changes are causing Businesses to look at different Strategies but this is one SEO strategy That's going to remain effective even as Search gets decimated today I'm going to Be Shar you the exact SEO strategy this Company used to explode the organic Traffic by over 300% I'm Adam by the way You may have seen me posting about Marketing Automation and AI on Tik Tok I Also run a marketing Consulting business Working with some of the fastest growing Brands but before we get into the Details let's talk about what this Strategy is why it's still so Effective now in the SEO World things Are constantly evolving you need to make Sure your website is optimized so you Can drive long-term growth for many Years to come to do that you need to Conduct an SEO audit but how do you go About that HubSpot has you covered with This free guide on how you can order Your own site this guide will take you Step by step through the process and how You can monitor your rankings to Optimize over time if you're interested I'll drop a link in the description We're going to be using two websites the First helper reporter out and Source Bottle both platforms offer a way to Post queries seeking expert sources for Their articles for example if we go on

Source bottle right now we can see Countless news websites and high Authority blogs looking for expert Quotes by responding to these queries With valuable responses you can earn High quality backlinks from reputable Websites here's an example of a Successful response that managed to get Me featured on a high Authority website First of all in most cases we don't know The name or company of the journalist so Generally I start off pretty casual hey I've learned a lot about managing my Finances over the years and I would love To share share what I've learned with Others I then provide a brief example of Why I would be perfect for this piece I Show that I'm willing to provide more Details via a phone call or video call Then offer value by saying I'm also Willing to share the article with my Audience then finally adding in a couple Of links to show credibility I'll Normally match the social profile with The call out as this one was very much B2B related I added in my LinkedIn and My website getting featured on high Authority websites is valuable as these Backlinks can significantly boost your Website's SEO by increasing its Authority and visibility backlinks from Reputable websites signal to search Engines that your content is credible And worth ranking higher in search

Results so let's get into it first we're Going to want to create compelling Profiles on both Harrow and Source Bottle we want to highlight our Expertise credentials and the value we Can offer journalists make sure your Profile is professional engaging and Showcase your unique perspective both Platforms send out daily emails with Relevant queries you want to use Keywords and filters to narrow down your Search and focus on opportunities that Align with your expertise and Target a Audience this is a great way to build Your presence online no matter your Niche even if you're a boring business Staying relevant is crucial and this Platform offers you the perfect Opportunity to do so to identify high Value questions look for those that Closely match your expertise and target Audience consider the authority of the Publication the potential reach and how Well your query matches your knowledge Base sticking to what you know ensures That you provide valuable and credible Responses Ai and automation tools can Help you quickly scan through queries And identify the most promising ones you Also want to make it easy to get Notified about relevant opportunities I'm going to show you how to easily set Up this automation for this we're going To be using three tools open ai's API

Slack and zapia to bring it all together To summarize and send you the best and Most relevant opportunities daily first Setting up the trigger in zapia for this We'll start by selecting Gmail as our Trigger app now connect your Gmail Account by following the onscreen Instructions in the trigger setup we're Going to want to import The Source Bottle sender email into the search String and set it to monitor the inbox Where these emails are received finally Test the trigger to make sure that Zapier can find the recent email to Match a criteria now we'll set up an Action to summarize the emails choose Openai as the action app and we want to Select an event like summarized text Connect to your openai account and Choose chat GPT and for this I'm going To use GPT 40 right now I've been Testing out GPT 40 for this automation But in the past I've been using GPT 3.5 And it's been working incredibly well Something to keep in mind is currently GPT 3.5 Turbo is a lot cheaper now we Set up the action to pull the body of The email from the initial trigger test This action out and confirm that the Summarization works as expected you Might want to play around with a prompt To make sure we get the best response Here's a simple prompt I've been using That's been super effective summarize

The above email and identify the best PR Opportunities presenting them in dot Points segment the information into Three categories marketing related AI Related and general business related use The heading Source bottle opportunities Include the following link at the end For easy access to the rest of the call Outs choose slack as the action app and Pick send Channel message event connect Your slack account and choose a channel Where you want your summary posted use The summarized text from the previous Step as your message text test this Action to ensure your summary is being Sent correctly to your slack Channel Once you're satisfied that everything is Set up correctly go ahead and activate Your zap by setting up this automation You'll save time and ensure that you Never miss an opportunity now onto the Pitch this is your chance to shine and Stand out from a sea of sponsors you Need to make sure that you gets to the Query as fast as possible keep it Concise personalized and relevant to the Query highlight your expertise offer Unique insights and demonstrate why you Are the perfect source for the Journalist but one thing I see many People getting wrong consistently is Using AI to write generic responses that Can sometimes get flagged or even Blocked from the platforms now we need a

Way to automate the work we are doing You're going to want to be set up to Manage your follow-up emails and Precisely track his success rate for me I personally use Hub SWOT for this you Can also have templates to speed up your Responses this streamlines the process Saving you time and effort whilst Maximizing your chances of obtaining the Backlink it also creates a repeatable Process that you can then pass on to Other team members building Relationships with journalists is a key To long-term success with this strategy Make sure to send personaliz thank you Emails when your pitch has been accepted And follow up with additional insights And resources as many times you may be Speaking with an independent journalist That may work across different Businesses track your progress by Monitoring the number of backlinks you Acquire the referral traffic they Generate and the impact on your Website's domain Authority for me Personally I use semrush for this but I Know there's a lot of people out there That prefer ahrs remember consistency Speed to response and a data- driven Approach are key to success now it's Your turn to take action start exploring These platforms experiment with Automation and what your website's Authority saw remember this will not

Only help your website build Authority But also reach a large audience I'll be Linking some resources I mentioned in The description below do you have any Questions or are you already using this Strategy how's it working for you thanks For watching and I'll see you in the Next video [Music] [Music]

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