Digital Marketing Course – Types of Audience (video 10)




Digital Marketing Course - Types of Audience (video 10)

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In this video, I will discuss the most commonly available audiences in Digital marketing platforms

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Hello and welcome to another video of Senator viranhas this is the 10th video Of the series digital marketing Fundamental course and we are still in Module 5 where we are discussing Audiences and in this video specifically What we are going to talk about is Um basically audience and Persona and Mostly audiences provided by the Platform what it means is whenever you Go to any platform whether it's Google Facebook Snapchat or any any DSP in in The world so they already have some Particular audiences which you are able To Target in your campaign so we will Talk about the most common audiences Which are available in all the platforms And I will tell you what they mean so That you have a basic understanding the Objective is to kind of get familiar With what all is possible as well as Because if you start working in digital Marketing you might hear these terms Very often and you need to know what They mean in any platform where you can Create a digital media campaign you have Like four types of different audiences Available to Target which I will explain To you what they mean but it can be Categorized into one demographics which Is about people's age their gender Etc And then Behavior what they do are they Interested in something are they trouble Are they trying to buy something and

Stuff like that and then uh we'll talk About remarketing audiences and certain Platform specific audiences because some Of the platforms have very specific one Particular specific audience which you Can Target which is like the USP for That platform so we'll talk about the Most common ones okay so without any Delay let's jump into the first type Which is a demographic audience so this Type of audience is available across all Uh digital media platforms wherever you Are able to create campaign and so Basically what you're able to Target and Most of the platforms is you can Target Your campaign only men only women or you Can Target age groups in most of the Platforms you will have like groups Let's say 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 but In certain platforms you have like Narrower let's say 18 to 22 then you Have 23 to 26 and regardless of that Then you have in most of the platforms You have like this is actually a Screenshot from dv360 where you can Target people who are a parent who are Not a parent and are based on household Income now this is considered to be Demographics Simple straightforward but it's very Powerful sometimes now um what happens Is you use these kind of demographics in Terms of Um broad campaigns now the first use

Case I'll just tell you some use cases Where we use it very extensively now for Example there are certain companies who Get only specific audiences let's say For example you are a company who helps People to fill their tax right there are Certain kind of apps now those uh kind Of apps they generally Target people From 25 to let's say retirement age In those cases all their campaigns have Like a generic rule they target only These kind of audiences right so let's Talk about more something more Um uh specific let's say for example you Are an app like um Tick Tock so you know That most of your audience will be Teenagers let's say Um Or generally 35 and below so you will Target only that demographics and all Your campaigns so demographics is very Important for certain companies and on The lower limit side for example Google Has 18 some platforms allow to Target People from 16 and above it depends on The country as well In regulations they have in that Particular country and to give you one More idea even some companies like let's Say Philips I generally code this Example they have a men's trimmer they Generally for example in most cases they Will Target only men I know there are Some females who will buy this trimmer

To give to their spouse their boyfriend Friend whatever but there are very few Cases in those cases let's say Philips Will be like okay we only want to Target Men for these product series and it Helps a lot I mean if you just Target Men you use this targeting you literally Save like almost 50 of the budget or I Mean depending on the population but you Save a lot of budget and on the same Side what happens is It's one you some companies understand That Persona who they want to reach out To on the other hand some companies what They do is they go to their analytics They check that all the webs people who Fill up lead forms who buy from their Websites what are their demographics and They see 90 of their sales are coming From people 18 to 44. it can be done in Web analytics platforms and later what They do is they use this learning and Target only this specific audience right And um So yeah I mean that's the basic idea About demographic audience but a lot of Companies use our demographic targeting Extensively as well and on top of it Most of the company platforms will allow You to Target based on the income range Of household let's say top 10 percent uh Top 50 now based on what your product or Service is let's say it's something Expensive or let's say you are running a

Campaign for Real Estate you don't want To Target like the bottom 50 income Range families because you know that the Project you are working on is very Expensive so you save a lot of budget With just this because it's like masses You remove masses from demographics and It can be very helpful in most of the Cases so our second type is behavior Targeting one is demographics one is Behavior under Behavior there are Subcategories let's say in almost all Platforms you'll be able to Target like Affinity or interests or in Market Custom similar audiences or look-alikes It's very important to understand each Of them based on because if you have a Campaign or you're explaining something Or you are trying to create a strategy For yourself or you want or an interview It's very important to understand what Each of these audience segments how they Are collected and created what they mean To basically gauge how important that Audience is for a certain particular Case scenario okay let's go through each Of them one by one So the first one is Affinity audience Affinity audience is basically it's like A broader audience Who are interested in something let's Say for example if I say Affinity Audiences uh football Affinity audiences This means that this particular audience

Is Attracted towards football and how those These platforms know this because they Generally click on links which talk About football they generally watch Videos we talk about football they Generally follow Pages which talk about Football they generally watch videos on YouTube or Facebook which are related to Football and because whenever somebody Watches a video on football on YouTube Facebook and all they generally have Tags or captions or hashtags or even the Normal content so that's when this these Platforms think that okay you know what This particular audience this person is Interested in football so which means This interest means affinity And Affinity is the word generally used By Google and on the other side Facebook Calls it interest so if you want to Target all people who are interested in Football uh on Google you will find Affinity audiences related to football On Facebook you will find interested Audiences in football but they mean the Same thing it's just these platforms Come up with their own fancy names but Which means the same thing Um some of the examples here is for Example motorcycle enthusiasts water Sports enthusiasts which means that These people are interested in this Particular category this cat list can be

Huge so I just showed you some Um screenshots here let's say super um Store shoppers or TV drama fans on the Right hand side you see 30 minute chefs Baseball fans replaying game fans media And entertainment these are very broad Sometimes you get a lot of narrow Audiences so depending on I mean you can Have a list of thousands in each Platform depending on what your product Is so you can literally use this Particular audience one of the examples Is for example if you have you're Running a campaign for an event company Who are organizing organizing an event Let's say a rock star is coming to uh Berlin and there's an event right so if I create a campaign to Target Um to basically sell tickets online for This event so I will probably go and Target uh interest rock music or Affinity audiences of rock music so you Can go to these platforms when you Create campaign you find a long list you Can search for rock music and all to see If you find something like uh Affinity Rockstar rock music and anything I mean If you have a campaign for Um let's say a sports brand you can find Audiences who are Affinity audiences Related to uh sportswears healthy Lifestyle and things like that And then the second category we have in Market now a lot of people get confused

Between in market and Um Affinity audiences now Affinity Audience means somebody is interested in Something they consume that content but In Market means this particular person Is looking to buy they are in the Purchase Journey so for example an Affinity audience related to Um let's say Um Motorsports means they consume Content related to Motorsports they Watch videos they go to websites which Talk about Motor Sports but if there is A person who is in Market audience Segment of sports car that means he's Feeling he's he wants to buy a sports Car let me give you an example which we Discussed already like Affinity Audiences related to football mean they Are interested in football they watch Content they interact with content they Engage with content related football but If there is in market for football that Means this particular audience wants to Buy a football or football gear so that Is the difference team so that's why Affinity audiences are broader they have Less intent to buy your product or Service and in Market are like hot leads They are about to make a purchase uh Maybe they're researching so how these Platforms know is when these people go To e-commerce websites to buy these Products and these people are watching

Reviews of certain products then these People are going let's say filling a Lead from somebody is willing to in Market for buying a house in let's say Berlin they will go to a lot of um Websites uh develop our websites to fill Lead forms inquire to download brochures And stuff like that so that's when Google or these platforms will know okay You know what this person is uh in Market he's researching to buy so that's The main difference Um between Um the affinity and in Market in Market Are more valuable they are more hot hot Leads And the third category within Behavior Targeting are Behavior audiences is Similar audiences or look alike now Google uses the word similar audiences For this and Facebook on other hand uses A bit Um more fancy which is look alike but They mean the same thing so what Basically Um look-alike or similar audiences mean Is you have a particular seed audience Let's say Uber is or food Panda now I Already have let's say 10 000 people who Installed my app and who ordered on my App now I want to tell Google that you Know what find me similar people like my Audience So what you do is you upload your

Audience into Google or into Facebook And then tell Facebook that Target Similar people like this because you Know that I have 10 000 people who are Already bought my product you tell Facebook find me people who have similar Behavior to these guys now this is a Very important and interesting targeting Strategy and it works for almost most of The advertisers similar audiences you Cannot just create it against your first Party audience you can create it let's Say you go to Google and you have an Particular audience in market for sports Cars which is only ten thousand it will Tell you the reach when you select this Audience it'll tell you 10 000 people But you want to you have a campaign you Have a budget where you can reach 100 000 people in that case as well you can Tell Google Target people who are in Market for sports cars as well as Similar audiences which means that you Are giving Google a seed audience it's Called a seed audience against which you Want it to create further audiences but It's not your own it's already in Market Audience which is like Google provided Google on third party audience So um yeah I mean in that case you just Use similar audiences to kind of Increase the reach of the audience you Want to Target but you find similar People and um that's what it is but on

The same logic works on Facebook side But they call it local like audiences Now one of the ways I have seen most of The people using it is because if you Have a lot of data for example like I Told you about ubereats let's say they Have millions of people who have Installed their app but let's say they Do an analysis and who are the 10 000 People or 100 000 people who spend the Most of the money on average every week They call it high value audiences Generally those kind of companies will Provide this high value audiences at Sales audience to Facebook and Google And tell them to create similar Audiences to basically reach out to Similar people so that's how they use it One more thing you need to remember About similar audiences especially for Google is from May or August 2025 the Similar audiences option will not be Available on Google but it's just Because of whatever is going the world About Tracking I mean companies not tracking People and stuff but the workaround About this they already came up with Workaround it will be called in certain Cases Target expansion or in certain Cases optimize Target so whenever you Are creating a campaign which you will Later do when you select a certain Audience there will be an option to

Target expansion if you choose that or Sometimes it will be optimized targeting You choose that Google and Facebook they Will automatically create similar Audiences but it's just they give a Different name I mean that's what we Know so far so the model is if you hear Look alike similar audience targeting Expansion optimize targeting they all Mean the same thing And that's when we are done with Um the behavioral audience types so now We'll move to our next one which is Remarketing audience sometimes it's Called retargeting audience so the basic Logic is uh you target people who Already have been to your website or app So for example if you create a campaign And where 100 people who clicked on your Ads and go to their web your website Let's say you are an e-commerce store Out of those 100 mostly maybe two three Or four will buy something and the 97 People they clicked on the ad but they Did not buy reasoning can be anything They were in a rush they don't have Money they were waiting for Um let's say their salary by end of the Month or whatever and that moment they Were interested and suddenly they Thought okay let's not load but the Object the thing is all the 100 people Uh theoretically were interested in your Product so what happens is out of the

Three board the 97 you expect that okay I'll reach out to them again maybe in a Week maybe two days or in the evening And they might because they show they Have shown interest let me show the ads Again to develop their interests and They might buy again this strategy is Called remarketing it's done very easily On any platform you run campaigns as an Option you target visitors of your Website so that's Remarketing or some people call it Retargeting or some platforms call it Retargeting example scenarios are like Generally e-commerce websites use it for People who have products in their cart But did not buy or non-converters the Example I gave you or new offer or re Engagement so sometimes retargeting or Remarketing campaigns are already run to People who already bought something Let's say I bought something on Amazon I Just created an account bought something In 10 days Amazon reached out to me Again to upsell something else or I Bought a laptop they are showing me ads For laptop sleeves now or a headphone Now or they have an offer they thought Okay I recently bought started using Amazon now there's a Black Friday sale They want to show me that there's an Offer going on so this is also called Remarketing basically the idea is if Somebody has already been to your

Website or app you target them again With your campaigns or maybe some in Certain cases people use it in an Interesting way let's say I have seen Some real estate companies they show ads To people who go to the website fill the Lead form but later they are not Interested or they went to the website They did not fill a lead form and what The real estate companies do is they Retarget these users and tell them we Have an offer for you we'll give you two Percent discount on agency commission or Whatever to kind of Motivate them further and this is Basically what uh remarketing and Retargeting means okay with that out of A way now um this kind of the last type Of audience I wanted to discuss which is Platform specific audiences now as I Told you before Certain platforms have certain USPS Which are not available in other Platforms right anything we discussed Until so far I mean you will find it in 99 of the platforms the same terminology The same logic but there are certain uh Platform specific audiences for example Page engages on Facebook and Instagram Specifically if you're targeting your Campaign you can say okay you know what I want to reach out to only the page Engages Which means if I have a page I have 100

000 followers on Facebook page and I Create a campaign and I Target only web Page you get you have the ability to Target to only page engages which means This campaign will be shown to only Audiences who engage with your page Regularly the reason can be anything but As far as this is the logic and you to Give you an example uh let's say I have An uh webinar coming up and uh I will Target a campaign on Facebook I will Choose that page engages who generally Engage with Senator virana's page which Means they'll be mostly interested in Joining your webinar right and um just To give you an example you can sometimes On Facebook Target People page engages And create a similar audience of page Engages right so you mix these two uh Audience combinations but this is just Only available on Facebook and Instagram Then we have followers or profiles which Is only available on our Twitter on Twitter you can create audiences based On uh people who follow a certain Profile Twitter profile or to multiple Profiles now one of the examples I Always gave is for example in UAE we Wanted to Target once UAE Nationals only Now what we did is we targeted audiences We create an audience who follow certain People Which is like Health Minister education Minister in UA not many people follow

Them except the citizens right so that Way we kind of tried to Target UAE Nationals because as I told you in the Previous video there's no way to Target Nationalities of people but you can Think of many ideas this is just to give You an example and on LinkedIn Specifically Um you can Target People based on the Industry they work in or their job title Let's say for example you can Target People only who work for Canada who work For Um I don't know any other company that Say must check back or you can Target People with a certain job titles you can Target people only who have who are Doctors now let's say you have webinar For doctors you can Target only doctors On LinkedIn you can Target people only Who have let's say who are marketing Managers this is not available on any Other platform and this is only Available to LinkedIn so these are the Audiences basically which are generally Available in all these platforms I hope This is clear just um think about it That once you start creating campaigns In these platforms you'll mostly get Used to it but just think about it try To understand how each of these can be Used which will be really helpful for You but that's all you need to know About like the terminology within types

Of audience I hope this was helpful We'll in the next video which is the Last video of this module audience we Will talk about certain terminologies You need to know with an audience I will Talk about maybe one or two tools which Are very interesting and free I'll show You how to use them and that will help You in audience analysis thank you so Much I will see you in the next one

Game-Changing Internet Marketing Tips For Business Success

Many people say that internet marketing is an extremely lucrative industry, but this is only correct if you know the right techniques to market on the internet. Like anything else, you need the right information and education to perform proper internet marketing. This article contains great advice to help you on your way to internet marketing success.

You can use your website to determine how well your direct physical marketing is doing. When you send out your next flyer or postcards, leave a link to a page on your website that is not linked elsewhere. By tracking the hits you receive on that page, you’ll know how many people are engaged in your physical marketing efforts.

If you want to maximize traffic on your Internet marketing site, make sure you give your visitors a reason to return to your website. Providing valuable content, providing relevant information and providing a positive website experience will mean return traffic for your website. This can increase your profit and ensure long term success.

Be certain that the information you provide to customers when you promote your business is appropriate. Individualize your content, and make it relevant. Teach your visitors something about you or your business, and keep the content regularly updated to ensure repeat visitors.

It’s very hard and tedious work to respond to everyone’s emails in business, but this is something you must do if a customer has a legitimate question or complaint. Never look at things as if losing one customer will not hurt you. This can easily snowball and leave you losing multiple customers.

As was discussed at the beginning of this article, internet marketing can be a very lucrative industry, but only for those who have the proper understanding and knowledge of how to do internet marketing properly. Use the advice in this article and be on your way to marketing on the internet with ease.

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