You Can Make $10k/Month with Less Than 1000 Subscribers… Here’s How




You Can Make $10k/Month with Less Than 1000 Subscribers... Here's How

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How are SOME really small Youtube channels actually making more money than million-plus subscriber channels?

Contrary to what you may think, it’s not about how MANY people are watching – its WHO’S watching – AND what you’re doing with them.

In this video, I’ll show you how small channels consistently outperform larger ones on Youtube, 4 proven ways to turn views into profits, AND I’ll show you hard proof that this can work for you…even if you have fewer than 1000 subscribers.

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Jen divor RoR turned her then 967 YouTube subscribers into 11,000 Bucks not in a month but in a week and Austin Armstrong turned this 1700 view Video into five figures in counting but They're not the only ones so how are Some really small YouTube channels Actually making more money than ones With a million plus subscribers contrary To what you may think it's not about how Many people are watching it's who's Watching and what you're doing with them Coming up I'm going to show you how Small channels consistently outperform Larger ones on YouTube four proven ways To turn views into profits and I'll show You hard proof that this can work for You even if you have fewer than a th000 Subscribers but first I think we need to Get really clear on why subscribers Aren't nearly as important as you think They are so think about the channels That you're subscribed to of those Channels how many do you still watch Every new video they come out with I'm Personally subbed to more than 30 Channels on YouTube and there are a ton That I forgot even existed now let's Flip that so how many channels do you Find yourself watching all the time even Though you haven't subscribed to them I Don't know about you but I haven't hit That subscribe button on anyone's Channel in at least a year yet YouTube

Still knows the channels that I like and Always watch and they keep showing me All their new videos every every time They drop one that's because YouTube's Algorithm is designed to serve you Videos based on your viewing habits not Your subscriptions and that means that People who are genuinely interested in Your content are going to keep seeing Your videos whether they've subscribed Or not so if subscribers don't really Matter here what does well it's all About views and watch time because those Are the metrics that are much more of a Direct reflection of how engaging and Valuable your content really is so when Your videos capture attention and keep Viewers watching YouTube takes notice And they start recommending your content To more people who are likely to be Interested in it and the best part is You don't even need a massive number of Views or hours of watch time to succeed Here what really matters is reaching the Right audience you know the people who Are most likely to become your clients And for a small service business a few Hundred engaged viewers can be far more Valuable than thousands of unengaged Subscribers but how do you get those Hundreds of engaged viewers in the first Place to really maximize your YouTube Channel's potential you want to focus on Search based topics and titles this

Means creating content that answers FAQs And addresses the specific problems that Your ideal clients are searching for Take Austin Armstrong as an example so He focused on creating highly targeted Videos on really Niche topics like drug Rehab marketing strategies these videos Didn't get millions of views one Particular video titled drug rehab Marketing strategies only has around 1,700 views however because the content Was so specific and valuable to his Target audience it generated multiple Five figures in Revenue by addressing The exact questions and the needs of his Potential clients Austin was able to Attract the right viewers and build Trust with them over time so just take a Page out of his Playbook and create Videos that answer the questions that Your clients ask you all the time for Example if you're a landscaper you might Create videos on topics like how to Choose the best plants for your garden Or top five lawn care tips for spring by Focusing on these search-based topics You attract viewers who are actively Looking for solutions to their problems Usually right before they're ready to Pay you so that's how you get more Eyeballs on your content when you're Just starting out but the question is How do you turn that into profit for Your business the cool thing is there's

Not just one way to make big money from Your small YouTube channel there are Four proven revenue streams that work Incredibly well for small businesses on YouTube so first and most obviously There's client generation so your videos Just showcase your expertise and help Build trust with viewers moving them to The point where they become clients take J hail as an example so he has a small YouTube channel with under a th000 Subscribers and an average of 255 views Per video but it helped his local gym Make double its Revenue to over a Million dollars in the past year by Consistently providing valuable Niche Content Jay attracted his target Audience and accelerated trust over a Really short period of time his videos Are educational and inspirational to his Viewers and they're really highly Targeted addressing specific needs and Questions that his prospective clients Would have to really make this work just Casually mention your clients often and Sometimes share full stories and case Studies this way your viewers won't just See you as a free resource but also as a Pro that they can hire to get even Bigger results and don't forget to link To your website in every video Description and on your channel page Just to make it really easy for viewers To become clients the great thing about

YouTube is that it gives you better Quality leads Because these viewers have been binging Your content getting to know like and Trust you making the sales process much Much easier but there's a catch so while Having potential clients binge your Content is fantastic you can't always Rely on them finding every single video You put out so how can you be sure that You're always staying in front of your Potential clients even when they're not Actively watching your videos you can And should use YouTube to help you you Build your email list with an email list You can connect directly with your Audience build stronger relationships And create more chances to make sales And the way you would build your list is Through a lead magnet so a lead magnet Is just a valuable resource that you Offer your viewers in exchange for their Email address this could be a checklist A cheat sheet a mini course or even a Benefit first newsletter sign up the key Is just to create something that solves A really specific problem or addresses a Paino for your target audience take Jen Deor RoR as an example so she uses her YouTube channel to generate leads for Her marketing agency and Jen offers a Free webinar about how to make money With a magazine funnel super niched down And specific right and this webinar not

Only educates her audience but also Brings them into her own sales funnel And it led to her best week ever Bringing in 11,000 bucks by offering Valuable resources and then educating Your audience you can turn viewers into Email subscribers and those subscribers Into clients just make sure that you're Linking your videos that are really Closely related to the lead magnet topic You're linking that directly to the page Where they can opt in for it then once a Vier puts in their email address for Your lead magnet they're added to your Email list and that's where the magic Happens you know you can now keep up With these leads by consistently Providing value and building trust over Time and one of the most effective in The lightest lift ways to do this is Just by emailing your list whenever you Come out with a new YouTube video that's Going to bring people back to your Channel it's going to boost your views And keeps your business top of mind too So now you've been working hard growing Your email list and building those Relationships but there's only so much Time in a day right and if you're a Local in-person business you're pretty Much limited to making money from just The people in your area but what if I Told you there's a way to create a new Income stream that doesn't require any

Extra hours or limit you to your own Backyard that's where affiliate sales Come in when you do it right it's like You're just a trusted friend Recommending your favorite products to People and your viewers will appreciate Your honest suggestions and they're Generally going to be pretty happy to Support you by buying them through your Link and the great thing about affiliate Sales is that you can promote products That perfectly complement what you Already offer so let's say you're a Fitness coach you might promote your Favorite protein powder or workout gear All you really have to do is find the Right fit product app or service that Actually has an affiliate program and I Actually do this myself I make website Creation tutorials for beginners and I Recommend that they go with Blu host for Hosting because it's really easy for Newbies and it works really well so I Show them how to use it then they can Click on my link to get a discount on it And then I get paid for each sign up That I make but if you're stuck for Ideas or finding that affiliate product That's perfect almost anyone can do this Through Amazon's affiliate program and They they're Amazon they have literally Everything then by creating review or Tutorial videos showing off these Products you're providing valuable

Content for your audience while also Giving them the chance to buy something That you actually trust and if you're an Amazon affiliate the coolest part is When someone clicks on your Amazon link You're not just going to get credit for The you sent them to you're going to get Credit and paid off on anything else That's in their cart at the same time It's a pretty good upside now affiliate Sales are a great way to dip your toes Into the world of passive income but What if you could keep all the profits For yourself rather than splitting them You can when you use YouTube to sell Your own digital products like eBooks Online courses or templates the key is To create something that solves a real Problem or meets a need for your target Market like Thomas the YouTuber who Teaches people how to be more productive And organized his digital products like The ultimate brain and creators Companion have brought in over $2.5 Million in sales now I know creating a Digital product sounds like a ton of Work and I'm not going to lie it does Take some effort up front but trust me It's so worth it as much as I hate the Whole you know make money while you Sleep cliche you can actually make money While you sleep I sell a digital course And I almost always wake up to new sales That came in overnight and it's still

Feels amazing every single time it Happens so yeah when you commit to Making a digital product you're building A very real asset for your business that You can sell over and over again at Scale the key to making the process Easier is just leveraging AI tools like Chat GPT and mid Journey so these AI Tools tools can help you generate ideas Write your content even create designs In a fraction of the time that would Take you to do it all yourself for Example you could use chat gbt to Brainstorm product ideas and outline Your ebook then use mid journey to Generate beautiful graphics and cover Art of course you'll still need to put Your own spin on things and make sure That the final product is ready to sell But AI can give you a serious Head Start And your YouTube channel is the perfect Place to sell your digital products you Can promote them directly in your videos You can link to them in your Descriptions and even offer you know Exclusive discounts to your subscribers So by the time someone finds out about Your product on YouTube they already Know like and trust you from watching Your content so they're pretty primed up To buy and of course the best scenario To make a ton of money without a ton of Subscribers is to include as many of These revenue streams as possible in

Your business that way there's something For just about everyone in your audience At various price points and commitment Levels and having all those different Revenue streams doesn't even take Multiple marketing methods it all just Comes in through YouTube and if you want To see exactly how I do this myself and Make over 600,000 bucks a year check out This video where I break down my own YouTube sales funnels so that you can do The same thing it's pretty exciting Stuff it's completely changed my Business over the past seven years so Click right here and I'll show show you Everything I'm doing so I'll see you Over there

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