The New Way To Grow On Instagram: Algorithm Changes & Reels




The New Way To Grow On Instagram: Algorithm Changes & Reels

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I took on the challenge of posting 3 videos a day on Instagram, and let me tell you, it was a game-changer! I wanted to see if posting more frequently would boost my reach, and boy, did it deliver results.

No longer do follower numbers dictate promotion. It’s all about how your audience responds to your content. Great news for smaller accounts looking to make a name for themselves! Likes and comments? Not so much. It’s all about shares now. Engaging content gets shared more, and that’s what boosts your reach.

This experiment showed me the power of adapting to Instagram’s changing algorithms. By staying updated and implementing new strategies, you can see significant growth in your account. So go out there, create engaging content, and watch your followers soar. Watch the video for more insights !

Chapter timestamps:
0:00 Intro
0:20 Each video is promoted separately
2:24 Likes & comments on reels
4:30 Promoting videos based on topic interest
5:48 You don’t need keywords
6:12 Video timing doesn’t matter
6:47 Reposting old content

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As you know algorithms on social media Especially on Instagram constantly Change but there has been a recent Change that gave me a lot of Hope and I Decided to challenge myself to posting Three reals a day now in this video I'm Going to share my results and I will Also tell you how the algorithm works Right now and how you can use it to your Advantage now the major change that has Happened to the reals algorithm is that H video is now promoted separately what Does it mean so remember how earlier on Instagram is if you're a huge Creator You get a lot of views if you're a Smaller Creator most of the times you Get not too many views because Instagram Basically used to pay a lot of attention To how many followers you have which Meant that bigger creators got bigger And it was kind of hard for smaller Creators to grow now Instagram realized That and they want everyone to have a Shot in this Creator economy and they Basically changed the algorithm in a way That every new real yes it's promoted to Your subscribers first but what the Algorithm does it evaluates how your Subscribers and how certain groups of Your subscribers react to the real and If it notices that oh interesting so Women aged 18 to 24 actually interacted More with this real and it starts Promoting it to similar groups of people

Across Instagram and this is why we've Started seeing so many smaller profiles Getting 1 million views on their reals 6 Million views on their reals and it's Actually kind of great for everyone Because it became easier for your reals To go viral which leads to new Subscribers and and more engagement now Please don't get me wrong Instagram Still values your subscribers and if People interact with your profile a lot They will still see everything that you Post for me also as a bigger Creator I Have 1.1 million followers on Instagram I used to post less just because I Thought oh my subscribers are going to Be tired of me posting constantly and if My content is not polished enough They're going to unsubscribe but now What I realized is that only maybe 10% Of my followers actually see my content Which means that I can have this freedom To experiment because if my content is Bad then you know only 10% are going to See it and it's fine but if my content Is actually good millions and millions Of people will interact with it it kind Of gives you this internal permission to Post more and to post less polished Content and this is why I decided like Why not post three reals a day if They're evaluated individually and my Subscribers are not going to get tired Of me constantly being in their feed now

Let's move on to the thing number two so Adam misseri recently said that the Number one metric that they lcad uh when They decide whether to promote the real Or not it's not even comments it's not Likes it's reposts so when people are Watching your real they have to have This feeling like oh my God this is so Relevant I want to send it to my husband To my friends to my co-workers which Means that idea matters the most if You're creating content about the idea That a lot of people can relate to that Means they're going to send it uh to Their friends they're going to share it In their stories and shares are actually A good predictor of how you really is Going to perform if you post a real and You see some shares that is actually a Better metric versus just likes and Comments because this means that this Reel will get more and more reach Because people are sharing it so for Example some of my most viral reels People have been reposting them like Crazy there was one where I shared a Ride in a driverless taxi here in San Francisco and people like oh my God this Is the future some people were like Robots are taking over so some people Were happy some people were not but they Basically started sharing it with their Friends and uh the real got millions of Views another real is uh when I shared

That I actually traveled to different Countries from the US to get my dental Work done because it's so much cheaper And I shared how I paid like $70 to have My teeth uh fixed in Thailand and people Started re-sharing telling that oh in my Country is even cheaper oh like yes the US in terms of dental care it's like the Most expensive place on Earth Etc so I Provoked some reaction in them because Dental Care everyone can relate to it Cuz all of us go to see their dentists So make reals that are super relatable To your audience so that they can Comment and share I like this rule that Think of your audience as fifth graders In your topic so if you're talking about Investment don't talk about complicated Instruments talk about investing $50 Towards your retirement if you're Talking about organizing a house don't Talk about how much you're making or how Important it is to hire a house Organizer show your subscribers actual Things that they can start using right Away show them tips show them hats and Now some of you might think oh but my Business is so boring it's you know I'm Not targeting millions of views I don't Even need them I need like a couple Thousand views but I want them to come From my prospective clients now I have Great news for you so now Instagram not Only promotes reals that have this viral

Potential of course you're going to see Them in your feed but they also promote Reals that don't have this viral Potential but the ones that they're Super targeted for Their audience so for Example if I'm learning German I'm going To to see reals that are related to Learning the German language even if They didn't get hundreds of thousands of Views which means that even if your Business is boring the algorithm will Try to do the best job of Finding Your Potential audience even if it's small But still even if your topic is really Small try to think about your area of Expertise as a fifth grader what are the Questions beginners are asking how can You help them now if you're looking for A more in-depth guide to crushing it on Instagram reals I've got just the thing This Instagram for business kid from HubSpot Dives deep into reals it breaks Down hacks you can use today to boost Your engagement and guides you on how to Develop a killer real strategy to grow Your Instagram account and that's just Scratching the surface of what's in this Free guide if you want it I'll make sure To drop a link in the description below Thing number four that I've learned During my experiment is that hashtags Don't actually matter they matter only In a case if your subscribers are Subscribed to a certain hashtag and you

Can check it by going to your Subscribers profile and see what they Subscribe to but again it wouldn't make A huge difference if your goal is to Reach hundreds of thousands of people it Will make a difference if you're Targeting a particular audience who are Following a certain hashtag another Thing the timing of your video doesn't Matter what matters is how long you can Keep them engaged so the longer the Video the more hooks you need the more Exciting information you need to provide I know some creators who spend up to 40 Hours on just making one 60-second video Because there's so many things you Should think about it has to be catchy The story line has to have ups and downs So always evaluate how much time you can Actually spend on a reel and sometimes Reels that only last 8 seconds still get Their millions of views just because They're so short and because they're Showing something that people are Excited about now the last thing is Actually mindblowing you might be Wondering like okay three reels a day Amazing but I don't have time to film Them what actually did I took my old Reels and posted them again and it's so Funny that was this real about how much It cost to have a baby in California the First time I posted it a couple years Ago it got maybe like 100,000 views I

Posted it again I changed nothing and it Got millions of views and then we posted It for the third time and it still got Views so it's actually crazy how Instagram lets you do that uh basically Recycle your content it doesn't work on YouTube though don't do it on YouTube Didn't really work on Tik Tok it only Works on Instagram and only if you Repost the content that you own if You're just copying somebody else's is Real that it's not going to work but if You posted something it performed well 3 Or 4 months ago post it again because Every video is looked at individually I Didn't get too many comments from my Subscribers like oh Marina I think I saw This video there were some people who Saw this video but most of the time my Video got promoted to a new audience and It's just fascinating so basically if You go and look at your outlier reals by Outliers I mean reals that got more than Average views try to post them again you Could replace music or you can just post Them as always you don't need to take Down the reels that you've had before You just post them again on your profile And Magic happens so this strategy has Brought me over 30,000 new subscribers In the month Instagram started paying me Bonuses which were pretty significant For Instagram so I actually encourage You to try and do that as well to take

Your Instagram and reals to the next Level please do not forget to download The Instagram for a business kit in the Description below enhance your strategy And use the algorithm updates for your Advantage see you soon [Music]

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