How I Made $314,519 With Affiliate Marketing (FULL TUTORIAL)




How I Made $314,519 With Affiliate Marketing (FULL TUTORIAL)

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âś… Build a 6 or 7-figure agency of your very own:

✅ Design a money-making marketing strategy with the “One Page Marketing Cheatsheet”

âś… The marketing software I use to build 7-figure marketing campaigns

Do you have dreams of running your own Online business that gives you complete Time location and Financial Freedom a Business that allows you to work when You want live where you want and that Buys you back your time and your freedom From work or a life of other people's Requests and responsibilities something That you can run from your laptop Requires no skills no experience and no Money to get started and yet can still Set you up for a lifetime of Freedom if So you're in the right place now I'm Sure you've seen dozens of messages like This before but here's where things are Going to be very very different for you Because in this video I'm going to show You the most beginner friendly online Business opportunity available today one That you can start no matter who you are Where you're from or what level you're At a business that doesn't rely on High Press sales tactics or expensive Marketing strategies doesn't require Extensive technical skills or abilities Allows you to gain hands-on experience With digital marketing skills so you can Earn while you learn and is something You can build yourself and be genuinely Proud to call your own last year I made Over 3 $1,519 with affiliate marketing and Today I want to show you how you can do It too so here's what we're going to

Cover first what affiliate marketing Actually is and how it all works this is An incredibly important topic to cover Because there's a lot of misinformation And myths and sort of these false Beliefs about affiliate marketing Whether it's just another MLM or a Pyramid scheme or something sketchy like That but the fact is is that affiliate Marketing has been done for a very very Long time decades essentially uh it's Used in fitness centers lawyers use it Um giant players like Amazon naturally Use it to sell more products uh very Reputable companies use affiliate Marketing as a way to drive sales Essentially from a business owner Perspective affiliate marketing is just One other marketing opportunity or Vehicle for them to increase their Number of customers and their revenue But for you as a affiliate marketer even If you're brand new to this you're going To quickly realize that there are some Amazing opportunities here regardless of What level or skill or anything like That that you're at so of course we're Going to cover all of that next how to Get started the right way the fact is is That when it comes to affiliate Marketing I think the reason that a lot Of people that first start with Affiliate marketing and then kind of Burn out get overwhelmed end up failing

With it don't end up making any money And get a really bad taste in their Mouth is because they started the wrong Way they pursued the wrong kind of offer They went about promoting it in the Wrong way they didn't really understand How the mechanics of it all work so the Better that you really understand how This indry functions the better you're Going to be able to just sort of inject Yourself right into the middle of it get On with a a winning product a winning Service a winning offer and then really Just tap into the slipstream allowing That to do most of the heavy lifting for You I mean I don't want to say that this Is without any kind of work and it's 100% passive income but the fact is it's About the closest thing to passive Income that I've found certainly to Reach very large measurable amounts of Cash and revenue that can dramatically Change your life so we'll cover all of That and of course number three three How to make ridiculous amounts of money And do it ethically and legally which is Very important after all we're in this For the long run it's great to be able To make an extra few thousand dollar a Month for a couple months it's another Thing entirely to make six figures and Then multi6 figures and then work your Way up to seven figures especially as This Revenue continues to come in on a

Daily a weekly a monthly basis Continuing to um feed yourself and look After your family and provide all of These experiences and secure your Position in a world uh where you're Going to have ultimate time location and Financial Freedom so with that said Let's start with what affiliate Marketing actually is and how it works Well in a standard business if you think About pretty much any other business out There in the world you've got kind of a Few different elements to it Specifically two you've got one which is The actual business itself and this can Be literally anything this can be a Fitness center this could be a lawyer a Dentist uh a chiropractor it can be a Software company it can be a protein Powder it could be anything that you can Really think of that's element number One element number two are customers These are buyers for the business so They've got a business could be anything Could be a product a service Etc then You've got customers that they want to Align with now typically what ends up Happening is we've got this mystery box Here right in the middle and this Mystery box is marketing because it's Marketing's job to make sales to bring In Revenue to drive awareness to Essentially grow the business the Problem is is that most businesses most

Business owners they don't really Understand marketing and even if they do Understand it even if they're good at it They don't have the time or the energy To dedicate to doing marketing in order To get more customers because they've Got a business to run which means that They've got to try to find some way of Doing this now sometimes they hire an Agency we're going to talk about this More later sometimes they try to do it Themselves sometimes they just end up Throwing a ton of money at the problem Maybe it's on um way too expensive Strategies like TV ads or radio ads Which yes people do still run U maybe They're running a few online ads like Facebook ads or Google ads but they Don't really know what they're doing so They're just dumping all of this money In and then they're hoping that it leads To more customers sometimes it does Sometimes it doesn't but this is why the Failure rate for new businesses is so Catastrophically high this is why the Majority of new businesses fail they Just can't figure out marketing and Marketing is the single most important Element to a business success because if The business doesn't have customers they Die so they need they need marketing so What do we do well this is where Affiliate marketing comes into play we Still have the

Business we still have the need for Customers but now rather than going out There and trying to figure out all of This marketing themselves trying to run Their own Google Google ads or hire an Agency or run their own Facebook ads or Anything like that instead what they do Is they bring in a Superpower Affiliate marketing guy or girl which is My friend you you now act as the Marketer for this business you go out There you find them the Customers and when you do they pay you a Commission to do this now why would they Do this well essentially if you think Back to just a few seconds ago it's Because this stuff right here this is Really expensive for them to go out There and start spending a lot of money On marketing that may or may not return A profit so they're putting all of this Money in anyways whereas if they can Find someone like you that they can go Out and they can pay a percentage of it Just makes sense to do for example let's Say they sell something for we're going To say rev for Revenue let's say they Sell something for $100 and let's say That it costs them 10 bucks to make right that's our cogs Our cost of goods sold well what this Means I'm going to run out of space here We're going to make it work uh this

Means that they've got a profit it's Right it in over here over the cape The Profit here now is 90 Bucks so now they're making profit of $90 maybe they're doing Word of Mouth They're using referrals they're using Organic marketing they're using things That don't cost a lot of money and They're making a $90 profit per sale Well doesn't it make sense now for them To take some of that money let's say Even up to half and pay you 45 bucks for Each sale that you bring in because They're still going to end up with a $45 Profit that they would not have had Otherwise it's kind of like asking Someone hey would you rather have $45 or Not have $45 and that's kind of how Affiliate marketing works now depending On the business they're going to pay you Different percentages on the low end This is something like half a percent to 1% these are things like um Amazon Anything where it's product based Businesses you're going to make a very Small commission simply because they do Not have the margins in there to pay you A lot more on the other hand if you can Find a very good affiliate offer to Promote to put yourself behind to go out There and put in front of Ideal people You can make 10% 20% 30% upwards of 40% Of that sale goes to you so every time That you make a sale for this business

They're going to pay you 40% of that and Uh and essentially well that's how this Number Was arrived at by finding really good Offers and then promoting them which Brings in a whole lot more money for the Exact same amount of work really it Doesn't take any more work to promote Something that's going to pay you a lot More than it does for something that's Going to pay you a lot less so obviously You want to go for more so that's Affiliate marketing 101 it is a$ 17 Billion industry it is a massive Industry it is not going anywhere Anytime soon and it's funny because After um after having been doing Marketing for over a decade now this was One of the first insights that I had Into passive income and I think a long Long time in the future when I'm old and Bitter and gray and no longer want to do Anything at all I'll probably still do Affiliate marketing uh simply because It's fun and it's interesting and it Provides this sort of passive income Stream where you don't have to have any Meetings you don't have to do any Scheduled calls you just make your stuff And hook people up with quality stuff And uh and you get compensated for it so How do you get started the right way and This is something that I do want to make Sure that we dive really deep into

Because this is going to be the Difference between you succeeding with Affiliate marketing or failing which Sadly is what most people do because They're just not doing things the right Way so the wrong way would be going to Uh the standard affiliate marketing Places these are things like share a Sale or ClickBank or anywhere else with An affiliate program you look through Some stuff you try to find the top Promoting uh top promoted products or Services you sign up for them and you Don't really know what you're doing and You're trying to make stuff and nobody's Buying and you get burned out it's Terrible strategy what we want to do is We want to use what I call the marketing Master plan now the marketing master Plan is something that I use for Affiliate marketing something I use for Agencies it's something I use for Clients uh something I've used for Basically every single client that I've Ever worked with um including the big Names like Google and Amazon and Snapchat and meta and Shutterstock and Adobe and canva all of those we still go Through the marketing master plan in Order to get them results simply because It works so we're going to do the same For you five parts model Market message Media and machine let's take a look at How we can apply this to your affiliate

Marketing Empire we start with the model When we're looking at different Affiliate marketing models what we're Talking about here is different programs Different promotions different companies That we can promote if you think way Back here to this we have to be very Selective of which business we want to Promote it does doesn't make sense to Put all of your time and energy into Something that is just not going to pay You very much that people don't actually Want because you're going to be trying To sell things that nobody is actually Going to buy we're much better off to Tap into a affiliate marketing structure That already has proof that already has Demand I'm getting way too ahead of Myself but I start to get excited um That already has all of the things Working for it so again we can just join That Jetstream that's slipstream work Our way right in there and just like Hang on for the ride because the market Is going up with or without us as these Things just continue to sell so what are We looking for here ideally we're Looking for high commissions it makes Sense why would we want to sell Something for 1% commission when we Could sell something for say 40% Commission same amount of work a whole Lot more money next Market the market is Who are we selling to now there's this

Rule in marketing that says we want to Sell this going to sound obvious but we Want to sell to people with money in Other words don't sell to broke people Now who has money when it comes to Business and marketing well we typically Divide them into two different segments Two different groups of people uh not Affluent and poor not rich and poor Anything like that we divide them into B2B and B Toc so B2B is business to Business this is a business where we're Selling to other businesses so this Would be things like business services And printing services and software Services that are largely uh related to That anything that's going to help a Business do better the other side is B Toc business to Consumer these are Things like t-shirts and chewing gum and Um any kind of apparel anything that the Regular consumer would buy that isn't a Business now are there affluent and Wealthy people out there of course Naturally there are however which one is Going to be more likely to have money And to also understand the value of Investing in different products and Services it's clearly B2B the business To business I'm not saying you can't Succeed with B Toc marketing but B Toc Is typically where we end up with these 1% commission rates whereas B2B is often Where we end up with 40% especially

Because if we think back here to this Number and these things here with the Margins when we're talking about selling Physical products the the cogs the cost Of goods sold is often very high so they Simply cannot afford to pay you as an Affiliate marketer a lot of money on the Other hand if we're selling B2B services Like software there's naturally more Margin baked in there because the cost Of one more user to that software isn't A lot for the company but they make a Lot of money from it so next we need to Find something that has a really good Message and this is Painkiller the bigger the problem you Solve the more money you're going to Make the more people that have this pain The more money you're going to make um If you find a very painful problem that A lot of people have that a lot of People want the solution for uh it's Bugging them right now you're going to Make a lot of money so we need to find Some kind of offer that is going to give Us High commission that's going to serve A B2B market and that is going to serve A very Important basically solve a very Important pain that these people have so If you think about what kind of pains And problems businesses have it's almost Always around some kind of customer Acquisition increasing sales getting

More customers making more money all of Those things are the business's number One concern in fact their fundamental Purpose of existence is to make money That is capitalism 101 that is basically How we do business we got to make sales We got to make money otherwise you don't Have a business you just have a very Expensive hobby that's not what we're About so Next Media where are these People present and active online and Offline and the two things that I look For are titles and targets again this is Another vote for B Tob versus B to C and Making sure we're going after business People for example let's say that I was Going after B to C And let's say that I had a a fitness Tracker uh that was aimed at women Working in the corporate world who were Thinking about starting a side hustle Well they don't have a title I can't Target that um they don't have a name That I can call out like hey are you a Woman who's working in corporate between The ages of 30 and 40 and you're Thinking of starting a side it's just Not a thing on the other hand a title Like dentist well that's a title and It's very targetable I can find them Everywhere I can find them at Conferences I can find them through Different groups I can find them on Different blogs and websites find them

Everywhere same thing goes with um Chiropractor or Waste Management Business owner or business owner in General all of these are titles and Targets and they're incredibly important To have because it makes our lives as Affiliate marketers infinitely easier Because we just pick the people that We're going after and then we find them By literally just typing it in and They're everywhere so I need to have a Title need to a Target and then of Course the machine how do we make all of This work we need to have an Irresistible offer what is something That we can put in front of these people That is going to make them say yes I Would like that so the way that we do This and and we're going to talk about This more in a little bit is we can give Them we call them lead magnets we can Call them freebies or trip wires uh Gateway drugs we want to be a little More crude we can basically just give Them stuff so in the context of one of The affiliate things that I'm going to Talk about here short ly we can give Them a free website we can give them a Free funnel we can give them a free Follow-up system uh free nurturing Sequence we can give them free Everything because it costs us nothing To do and then when they use the Software well then we can start to earn

Affiliate commission from that so that Is how we make sure that we're doing the Right things in the right place now how Do we make a ridiculous amount of money Do it ethically and legally well number One to make sure that we're doing things Ethically and legally is we need to make Sure that we're choosing a good Affiliate program so obviously I'm going To recommend one at the end this is the One that I use and which is what enabled Me to make all of that money and Continues to pay out to this day uh but As far as driving traffic to that we Have two main sources that we can use We've got inbound marketing and we have Outbound marketing this is kind of it Pick one use both one of them is a lot Quicker one of them provides slightly More Evergreen and uh and longer lasting Results but they're both very effective Which is why continue to use them both To this day so inbound marketing the Main one here is content Marketing that's inbound marketing it's It's driving people or attracting them To us hence the magnet driving them to Us uh so think of YouTube think of Instagram think of LinkedIn think of Facebook you can think of Tik Tok or Twitter or SnapChat or whatever floats Your boat really the big thing here is Making sure that whatever platform you Choose lines up with where your target

Market is present and active online That's where we need to go and Predictably predominantly it's going to Be one of these four if not some Combination of them uh normally either Facebook or Instagram and then either LinkedIn or uh YouTube really you can't Go wrong if you kind of go for all four And if this is going to become your main Thing then a good plan but otherwise you Can kind of take your pick from there if Your Market is say 35 years of age and Older we're going to probably go Facebook if it's under we're going to go Instagram if you don't mind making video We're going to go YouTube if you don't Mind text we're go LinkedIn it's as Simple as that next is email marketing Not to be confused with cold email which We'll talk about in a second email Marketing is those kind of nurturing Newsletters we provide value we make Offers we tell stories someone joins our List they volunteered hence the inbound Part of it so they' said yes I would Like to receive communication from you Then we can put them onto an email list And we can continue to nurture them to Provide more value and to make sales That's inbound let's talk about outbound Though CU inbound obviously takes a bit Of time we have to make the content We've got to post it we've got to build Up a bit of a brand and a reputation and

Some Authority outbound on the other Hand almost instant because we can send A c DM again think of these platforms we Can send an Instagram DM we can send a LinkedIn message we can send a Facebook Message uh we can use WhatsApp we can Use any model that is going to allow us To get in front of our ideal Target Market Cold DMS are probably the most Effective way to start for most people And again if we think back Here we are going to make an Irresistible offer so we're not going to Send them a DM and say hey buy my stuff That's a terrible offer nobody's going To listen to that on the other hand we Can say hey would you like a free Website that's a pretty good offer and All you have to do in order to give them This website is just copy and paste just Click a button we duplicate something It's called a snapshot and we install it Into their account it costs you zero It's Instant it's probably one of the Greatest offers ever and now they've got A website it's hosted under your Software they can continue to pay for Hosting if they want it or additional Marketing services or access to all of The other tools that some that uh the Software has but regardless those are The kind of things that we want to send Once we find Our Winning combination we

Can then follow it up with cold email This is where we're sending emails to People in order to give them these free Things and order to get them to come and Have a conversation or to sign up for Whatever it is that we're promoting Again this is the reason that we use B2B Business to business and not B Toc Business to Consumer because business to Business we are allowed to C email and Not only that businesses post their Email addresses publicly on social media On their websites you can get entire Lists of them makes it incredibly easy And time effective to go find a list of Businesses and then start sending them Messages cold calling if you're feeling Extra ambitious and you want to take it To that next level you can also call Them again you can find their numbers on On Google or on their website and just Start calling them would you like a free Website would you like this thing would You like a follow-up campaign I've got a Template that's proven to convert would You like a copy of that would again very Easy to make these offers and lastly Under the dotted line we've got ads and This is because ads is not my favorite Way to do affiliate marketing it's Simply too expensive for not enough Return unless you're really dialed in And have been doing it for any length of Time which is why I'm not really a big

Fan of it no matter what people say About I'm spending a dollar and I'm Getting two back in return for affiliate Marketing your best plan especially Until you hit1 to $20,000 a month in Revenue is to focus on these guys here All of the free options available There's absolutely no point in spending Money until you've leveraged all of the Free tools available and uh you're Starting to Rak in the cash then we can Start looking at some of the other Options all right let's talk about Something I call the affiliate Evolution Because this is where things get a Little bit exciting uh especially for me As I think 50 years down the road when I'm just I'm done with marketing who Knows I'm just sitting on the beach Sipping my ties doing whatever uh I'm Going to come back to affiliate Marketing Because it's easy that's really it it's Probably just old man Adam being very Lazy it's also a great place to start I Wish I started here because it would Have been a lot easier to sort of get Some initial Traction uh but regardless here's where We're at so we've got this uh affiliate Evolution we start here with affiliate Marketing we're going to be selling Software to business owners for all of The reasons that we talked about here

We're looking for high commission we Want B2B we want to sell a painkiller we Need to be able to title uh find titles And targets of the people we need to Have an irresistible offer so that's why We start there now the beauty is is that Once you start doing this you're going To start earning as you're learning You're going to have conversations with Business owners you're going to see what Their pains are their problems their Fears their frustrations their wants Their goals their dreams their desires You're going to get to know intimately All of the things they want all the Things they don't and as you get Experience selling this software and Learning a little bit more about Marketing there's going to be an Opportunity to transition this into an Agency now it's my view that if you're Even remotely interested in marketing Whatsoever you should aim to have your Own Boutique small marketing agency uh The reason is is because it is just such An incredibly valuable skill to have it Is very lucrative um if you can go say Six figures here With affiliate marketing we can go seven Figures with an agency it just allows You to make more money also diversifies Your income uh plus some people you're Going to want to sell the affiliate too And they're going to say can you just do

This for me and that's where we start Moving into an agency service you can Get started today with affiliate Marketing this takes days Agency on the Other hand we'll say weeks and Months but very very lucrative all of These up here though we want to put put Off or back burner or maybe even never Do um for I'm going to say years and the Reason is is because things like Consulting require deep level expertise Of the subject that you're talking about You don't need to be a marketing expert To do affiliate marketing because the Software is doing all of the heavy Lifting for you all you really need to Know is what it's capable of doing and Then you can simply present that to Someone and say give it a shot there's Free trials you can get started today There's no risk it's very easy to try if You like it you can keep using it if not No harm at all Consulting is a different Beast uh same thing with courses digital Products things like this for some Reason they have been sold as the easier Way to make money online but they're Probably the hardest way to make money Online of all because making a course is Just a fraction of the difficulty the The hard part of making money with the Course isn't making the course it's Selling the course and what better way To find out exactly what people want and

The best way to give it to them then by Starting down here at the bottom and Leap frogging your way over so really Strongly believe everybody should get to An agency sooner than later if this is Your uh your ultimate goal in marketing This thing is getting marked up like a Doozy but we're going to keep rolling With it um but again easy way we just Start with affiliate okay so what are we Going to do let's get to the Nitty-gritty what are we going to sell We're going to sell something called High Level now high level is an All-in-one marketing software uh over Over the years I've tried tens of Hundreds thousands potentially of Different pieces of marketing software High level is still my absolute favorite One it's kind of the the main marketing Agency software we use today uh Certainly use it with all of our Agencies with our clients with our Students inside the agency accelerator Program everything is kind of built Around high level because of the cost of It because of how effective it is Because of how it's able to deliver Results and because how it's able to Replace all of these other pieces of Software With just one simple thing uh we can Build websites we can build funnels we Can do surveys email SMS uh book

Appointments on calendars there's full Marketing automations we can build Entire courses and products Again don't do that until later but when You get there you can do it uh you can Do call tracking which means that we can Actually track when leads are call just A ton of stuff and it's a very easy sell To a business owner to be like hey look You can go and you can have this Software which most of them are not Familiar that it even exists um I make No attempt at hiding what the software Is or white labeling it myself and Trying to sell it as my own unique Proprietary thing I just say it's high Level it's really good here's a link When you use this link you're going to Get a free we call snapshot so you're Going to get a free website and forms And funnels and automations I'm going to Show you how you can get a copy of all Of those things as well which makes Selling it um absolutely effortless in Fact let's talk about that now this is My attempt to try to help you as much as Possible for completely free I've got Something called affiliat marketing have teamed up with high LEL in Order to bring this to you like I said It is free there is no cost you can get Started with no money with no experience With no idea what marketing even is um And we're going to show you how to get

To 5 to 10K a month using affiliate Marketing in the most realistic Achievable way there are lessons there Are calls there's coaching there a ton Of resources in there we're going to Give you the exact offers that you can Go give to different business owners in Order to get them to convert it really Is everything that you need to succeed It is something that I desperately wish I had when I was first getting started But we had to go out there and uh and Figure it all out on our own you can Bypass all of that so strongly recommend Going to affiliatemarketing of Course I will put this also as a link in The descriptions below this video if you Are even remotely interested in building A passive income business in building an Online business for yourself that's Going to provide you time location and Financial Freedom then this is an Absolute no-brainer so with that said I Will sign off make sure to go check that Link out now and otherwise I will talk To you soon

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