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Just like knowing how to load a gun and How to pull a trigger cannot guarantee That someone can hit Target similarly Just knowing how to set up ad campaigns On Google ads does not guarantee you can Run successful campaigns there are some Written and Unwritten rules that you Have to know and they only come with Experience so watch this video because I Will explain the things you need to be Willing to do or know even before Starting your Google ads Campaign and if you're new here my name Is OES and I'm a digital marketer from Last 10 years and just on Google ads I Have executed and supervised Spence of Tens of millions of dollars so without Any delay let's jump into our first Point which is you need to be ready to Spend money so the golden rule for Google ads and even most of the ad Platforms is that you need to set your Daily budget your minimum daily budget Has to be worth of 10 to 15 conversions A day suppose you're running a campaign To generate leads using Google ads and You expect a cost per lead of $10 now Your minimum daily budget should be $100 To $150 if you don't have that kind of Daily budget don't even think to go to Google ads Google never gets enough data For your campaigns to understand what Kind of audience placement and bid caps To use for your campaigns Google will
Never in most cases have enough data to Understand what combination works for You and apart from that if you want to Do any kind of analysis from your post Click data or your campaigns and Optimize your campaigns you will never Ever have substantial data from your Campaigns or your post click Behavior so That you can draw some meaningful Conclusions and this leads us to our Second point which is view through Conversions is a real thing I've seen a Lot of people and mostly beginners what They do is they only consider the click Through conversions in Google ads when They generate reports they're like view Through conversions doesn't mean Anything we will only look at click Through conversions and alternatively What some people do is they rely on post Click Behavior data for example from Google analytics using UTM tracking but In most cases what I have seen in my Experience if you're running any Non-search campaign whether it's display Whether it's video whether it's shopping Whether it's Google performance Max or Any other kind of non- search campaign What you will see is that's a human Behavior and a lot of people when they See an ad for example you see an ad on YouTube and you really like the product You want to check it out you do not Click on the ad what you do is you go
Back to Google you search with the Advertiser's name go to the website and Check out whatever you have to and in Certain cases this kind of traffic leads To conversions or sales but your Post-click behavior will show you only Conversions who clicked on the ad and That's a problem now how to solve this Problem whenever you are in this Situation you have to do one of the two Things the first one is if you're just Running Google ads what you can do is You can keep a track of Spike of Conversions coming from direct as a Source or organic traffic as a source in Google analytics and when you see that Okay on this particular date we start Started Google ads campaign let's say a YouTube campaign and there's a spike in Organic or direct traffic conversions And you can work on like how much Spike You see and then attribute it to your Campaign now if you're running multiple Channels and you still want to see the Impact of a particular Channel apart From what the platform is showing you What the post click analysis and Google Analytics is showing you the easiest way Is to perform a blackout test for a Particular time period you have to Completely block one channel let's say Stop Google ads for 2 weeks to 3 weeks And then see how much is the impact Before Google ads was showing you we
Generate 100 conversions every week and Once you black it out completely and for The next week you see there is only a Decrement of 80 conversions which means The actual impact of Google ads is only 80 obviously there's a lot of things That go into it for example you have to See a stable period where there's no Seasonality before the test a while After the test or during the test and One more thing to understand here is if You want to be a successful digital Marketer you have to understand how to Do execute plan different kind of tests To understand the actual impact of each Of your campaign and that's why I highly Recommend to download this AB testing Kit and you can download it for free From the link in the description below This kit is all you need to plan execute Calculate and even document your test Results the kit contains three resources The first one is an ebook called Introduction to AB testing which starts With the basics like what is AB testing And how to even get started then it Covers topics like like how to design Run and interpret results you also get a Test tracker template which helps you to Document all the tests and results in One place the third resource is my Favorite part of the kit which is the Significance calculator template once You put the data from your test it will
Automatically calculate the significance As well as the confidence level of your Test which is the most important and the Most difficult metric to calculate while Conducting tests and this kit was Created by HubSpot who is also Sponsoring this video now back to our Point number three which is be aware of Your broad match keywords if you're Running a search campaign for a brand Which has been in the market for a while And you running a search campaign with Broad match keywords and not negatively Targeting your brand keywords I Guarantee you in most of the cases your Performance will be very very good but If you go and check your search term Reports you will see most of the Conversions are coming from Brand Keywords to give you an example if I'm Running a search campaign and one of the Keywords in my search campaign is dv360 Course and if a user goes to Google and SE searches for Senator vran ads Programmatic advertising course this Keyboard will trigger and show the ad The person will click on the ad they Will buy the course and it'll be Attributed to this campaign but however The person was actually searching they Already knew we have to buy Senator Viran ads course in all fairness I will Not attribute this particular conversion To our generic campaign thinking that
Okay our keyword uh dv360 course is Getting us conversions because it's not Increment and you will see that if you Still are not negatively targeting your Brand keywords once you remove them you Will see the actual picture of your Search campaign I have had many Experiences when we used to onboard a New client and we would basically get Their ad account from their old uh Agency and once we used to do this their Search campaigns were not generating any Results like the conversions would drop By 90% that is when we had to actually Redo our whole strategy of their search Campaigns and start from scratch so I Will always advise you to negatively Target your brand keywords in your Search campaign but does that mean that If we have good SEO we should not bid For our brand keywords that is actually What leads us to our next Point always Target your brand keywords you know long Long ago when I started my career in Digital marketing there used to be two Camps of digital marketers one used to Say if for a brand name we are appearing On the top of organic results we should Not bid for our brand keywords and the Other group used to say no even then we Should bid for our brand keywords the First group used to say that it's a Waste of money because we have good SEO On our brand keywords the user anyways
Will find us in the organic results and That's when there were some smart Companies with smart sem people who Exploited these people who were against Running campaigns and targeting brand Keywords I will show you some examples On the screen and show you how these Guys hijacked their traffic because when You are searching for a particular Company in most of the cases is if you Find an alternative who is better you Still will go with the alternative Because you are anyways High intent Audience but the discussion now is Settled almost everyone agrees that no Matter even if you have a very strong SEO you should still bid for your brand Keyboard but now you might be thinking In the previous point I told you Negatively Target all your brand keyword Now you what you have to actually do is You have to have two separate campaigns One for non-brand keywords and one for Brand keywords and in your non-brand Campaign you have to negatively Target Your brand keyword this way you will Understand the true impact of your brand Keywords and non-brand keywords and for Your brand campaign your cpls will be Way way way less and so that you can Allocate different kind of budgets and Based on your strategy and also I have a Bit of a contradictory view about SCM I Think that search engine marketing has a
Kind of an aspect of branding and Awareness as well and brand positioning As well this is just an example if you Go to a new place New City new country And you search for something and the First branch you regularly see on ad Let's say their ads on Google ads you Automatically start thinking that they Are probably the best in this particular Space here but I have no data to back This claim up and it leads us to Recommendations Tab and the optimization Score does not mean anything I have seen Some people taking the recommendations Tab and the optimization score very very Seriously and nobody should I'll tell You a story the marketing manager uh of This client he didn't know much about Sem but as a way to keep a check they Used to have a weekly meeting with the Agency but in the meeting how he would Start the meeting is open the Optimization and recommendation tab of Our Google ads account and then based on The score and recommendations he would Ask us why haven't you applied this see Google is suggesting us this our Optimization score is dropping that was His only way to understand how the Agency is working and when my team told Me that the client was not really happy On the call I was like what no either we Go with Google's recommendation or we Follow our strategy and try to generate
Good results in most of the cases it Will suggest you things like Okay add These keywords to your campaign to Improve results but in a lot of cases Those keywords won't make sense it's not Just generating the traffic and what Google thinks will generate High CTR Because you have a particular strategy What kind of traffic you want to bring To your website those recommendations Are very generic which apply to anyone And it might not be in line with the Strategy you are following sometimes it Will ask you to increase your reach and Uh improve your efficiency add partner Sites to your search campaigns and Sometimes it's not your your strategy is It's not the ad copy is not in line to That sometimes you might get some good Recommendations there in the tab it's Useful because it'll show you there Looks to be an issue with the tag and on Top of this I see a lot of new bees just Clicking on apply automatically which is Like a recipe for disaster and if you're Looking to learn Google ads with Strategy don't don't forget to check our Google ads course for which the link is In the description below I think that's Enough for this video there are still Points left which I will cover in the Second part of this video thank you so Much I will see you in the next one