Best Marketing Strategies To Grow ANY Business (PROVEN & PROFITABLE)




Best Marketing Strategies To Grow ANY Business (PROVEN & PROFITABLE)

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In this video I'm going to pull back the Curtain and show you some of the most Effective marketing strategies working Right now strategies that are going to Help you get more customers and make More sales so that you can grow any Business that you apply these to if You're a business owner then you're Going to be able to put these into Action immediately to start making more Sales one tip I'm going to share with You has the potential to bring in a Surge of new sales in as little as a few Hours and if you're a marketing agency Then you're going to be happy to hear That you can use these strategies with Pretty much any business out there which Means you're about to get a whole lot More new Happy clients so here's what We're going to cover first the simple Three-step funnel I use with 90% of my Clients that helps them turn cold leads Into paying customers on autopilot Because you can have the best business In the world but if you don't have a Strategic and systematic way to generate New sales on demand you're always going To be worried about where that next sale Is coming from next the single best Place for you to be focusing your Efforts right now if you want to Generate fast cash and tap into a market Of ready to buy customers the fact is Not all customers are created equal so

This strategy helps you weed out the Tire kickers and Penny Pinchers and Allows you to attract only the most Committed profitable and ready to buy Customers out there and finally I'm Going to show you how to add Rocket Fuel To your marketing by using a fast cash Strategy that's helping our clients and Students make a 10x 20x even 30X Roi in As little as 7 days and I'll show you How you can use this strategy for the One time low cost of completely 100% Free without spending a single dime on Ads tools software or needing any Outside help so let me show you how it's Done starting with the number one way to Turn cold leads into paying customers But but in order to explain how this Works I first need to take you back to The year 1898 because it's here that We're introduced to what is now widely Considered to be the first formal theory Of marketing and the man who invented It so allow me to introduce you to this Guy right here a gentleman by the name Of Elias St Elmo Lewis who for practical Reasons we're going to refer to as Elmo From here on forward not me anyway way Back in 1898 it was Elmo that came up With the idea of the purchase funnel and That customers make purchasing decisions In a linear fashion he called it the Ada Model and it started with getting a Customer's attention then sparking their

Interest by highlighting the benefits And advantages then building Desire by Showing them how your product or your Service can improve their lives and this All ultimately leads them to take action Where you can close the sale think of This as a linear path where each stage Builds on the previous one and Elmo Rightfully believed that if you can Successfully move a customer through the First three stages is the final step Which is getting them to take action Becomes almost inevitable anyway fast Forward 10 and some odd years to today And this model is still every bit as Effective as it was back then both on a Macro and a micro level for example on a Macro level the entire purchase funnel Also now commonly referred to as a sales Funnel or a marketing funnel is a giant Demonstration of ADA as I'm going to Walk you through in just a minute but we Also use adaa on a micro level as each Stage of the funnel needs to continually Hold someone's attention while Continuing to build interest and desire And ultimately getting them to take Action to get to the next step the only Thing that's changed since Elmo first Introduced this way back in the good old Days are the tools and technologies that We now use in order to deploy this Magical money-making machine so here's What this looks like today first we

Start with the fact that nobody can buy From you if they don't know you exist so We're going to need attention in Marketing we call this attention traffic But you could also call it clicks or Views or visitors or eyeballs or people Whatever you want really but we can't Escape the fact that nothing's going to Happen until we get our message in front Of people now today we have a ton of Ways to do this but for most businesses Most of the time it's going to come down To just a handful of platforms like Facebook Instagram YouTube LinkedIn the Google trifect up more on this later and Email and SMS one important note here However is that today traffic isn't just About getting attention because between You and me getting attention is actually Pretty easy all you got to do is dress Up like a hot dog and stand in the Middle of the street and trust me you're Going to get attention But that's not the kind of attention you Want which is why whenever you're coming Up with your offer you need to make sure That the thing that you're selling or Promoting is interesting desirable and Valuable to your target market okay so This traffic and attention you're Getting by putting together a good Interesting and desirable offer then Directs people to the next stage of the Funnel which we call an opt-in page or a

Landing page and it's here on this page That we reiterate whatever offer you Made in your initial piece of traffic And we do this for two reasons the first Of which is to remind them of what they Just clicked on and to confirm that They're indeed in the right place and The second reason to restate the Benefits of your offer on this page is To continue building interest and desire In your offer which increases the odds That someone is actually going to keep On taking action and progressing through Your funnel now for most businesses most Of the time you want to collect a lead's Name email and phone number do not Ignore the phone number this is because 95% of text messages are read within 3 Minutes of being sent sending an SMS or Text message has around a 90% open rate And depending on the offer can also Deliver a 30% response rate which is Basically unheard of using any other Medium okay on to the final step of the Funnel a stage that I call the fast Action bonus stage because it's here That we present your new lead with an Incentive to take action Now by offering Them an additional bonus an additional Offer additional something anything that We can use to get them to either pick up The phone and call us or to book an Appointment right there on the spot now Contrast this with what most people do

Which is take their leads to a page that Says thank you but fails to make an Offer and usually never follows up with Them again which leads your potential New leads and customers feeling lost Confused little bit disappointed Wondering what just happened worst of All if you fail to give your potential Customers a reason or an incentive to Take action now with clear next steps Then they're still not in a position to Buy from your business which means You're just wasting your time your money And your energy on ineffective marketing That's bad very bad so let's not do that And instead you want to make sure that You've got a fast action bonus page in Place to serve the customers with credit Cards in hand who are ready willing and Able to buy now speaking of customers Who are ready able and willing to buy Now this next strategy is one of the Best ways to tap into a virtually Unlimited Supply of them so let me show You that Now in any given Market there are three Segments of customers you have to work With the very tip of the pyramid are Those 3% of customers who are ready to Buy right now they've got cash in hand They're actively searching for a Solution and they're just waiting for The right offer to come along so that They can pounce on it one step down from

That we have the 10% these are people Who are going to be buying soon for most Businesses this is usually in the next 30 to 90day range or so and then of Course the level below that is the Biggest segment of the market this is The 87% of people who are going to buy Later I think 4 to 18 months from now Now ideally you've got a marketing Strategy in place that's going to cater To all segments of the market but the Priority especially if generating Fast Cash is your focus needs to be on that Top 3% of ready to buy now customers so The question then is how do you get your Business your message your offer Directly in front of those ready to buy Customers at that exact moment they're Ready to make a purchase so that it's Your business that makes the sale the Answer my friend can be found in what I Like to refer to as the Google Trifecta So let me explain Google as you probably Already know is the largest search Engine in the world with something crazy Like 8.5 5 billion searches per day Google is still the number one place That most people go to find answers to Questions and do research and look for Solutions to problems that they have now One of the most important rules in all Of marketing is to go where your target Audience is and there's no question that A very large portion of your potential

Customers are searching on Google for The kind of help that you and your Business could provide but it gets even Better you see I like to group different Online platforms into two different Categories search and Discovery with a Search-based platform like Google a user Is showing up to the platform with a Specific need specific problem specific Question in mind in other words they Have intent they're there for a reason And in the case of the people that You're trying to attract they're there To find a business that offers the kind Of solution to the problem that they're Having and you want to be the one that Shows up in front of these people right When they're ready to buy now contrast That to a discovery platform something Like Facebook or Instagram where people Are there without any particular Purchase motive in mind I mean sure they Might buy something if they see Something interesting and desirable Enough but nobody ever logs into Facebook in the morning with a credit Card in hand looking for something to Buy this is why if you have anything That people search for which most small Businesses do then you want to work to Claim one two or even all three spots That the Google Trifecta makes Available To You ads maps and organic let's start At the top with Google ads using our

Fictional roofer in Denver example well It's here that you can bid for different Keywords so that your ad shows up at the Top of these rankings when someone is Searching for something next we have we Have the Google Business profiles these Are sometimes referred to as the map Pack or local pack I'm going to circle Back to these in just a second as I Believe that they're easily one of the Best and fastest ways to dramatically Increase your business's traffic and Visibility then below the maps well we Have the organic rankings which are what People usually think about when they Think about trying to do SEO or search Engine optimization on a website in Order to show up on that first page of Google it's valuable for sure but as you Can see it's just one piece of the Puzzle and there are other options Ailable like Google ads in the map pack Which are especially useful in highly Competitive areas as they're typically Easier to rank for get your listings to The very top of that search engine this Is why optimizing your Google business Profile is usually one of the best Places to start and the first place that We typically start as it can provide a Huge lift to your business and the Strategy is actually pretty simple and Straightforward in fact there's really Only four things we need to fully

Optimize a Google business profile to Get it to the top and then keep it there First is the obvious but often Overlooked one which is that we need to Fill this bad boy out as completely as Possible talking no detail left out no Section left unfinished this means Adding photos your services making sure Your address and phone number are listed All the usual stuff next comes building The authority of your Google business Profile which means building backlinks To your business in the form of Something called citations a very fancy Word for a backlink that mentions your Business's name address and phone number As a general rule the more quality Citations you have the better then come The reviews if everything else is equal The business with the most high quality Reviews will rank higher fortunately There are a number of tools out there That can help make getting new reviews For your business fast and easy the tool We use inside all of our agencies and With all of our clients and all of our Students is called high LEL and it Allows you to send review requests with The click of a button we can even use This software to dispute false and Negative reviews which keeps you your Business or your client's business safe We can also use this software to build Citations which boosts your SEO as well

As use the software to do a whole bunch Of other fun fancy stuff so I'll make Sure to put a link down in the Description below this video that's Going to get you access to an extended Free trial and a free strategy session With high level so you can check it out For yourself if you're interested the Final part of optimizing your Google Business profile is designed to keep you At the top and this means keeping up With your strategy with ongoing updates Of building new citations getting new Reviews and posting weekly content Updates all of these combined are going To help you rank higher start bringing In more clicks more leads and more Customers but if you're looking for an Even faster way to add a little or a lot Of extra cash then this next strategy is For you and it's one of my all-time Favorites all right so here's the deal The 7-Day Roi strategy I'm about to Share with you is one of the easiest Marketing strategies you'll ever use but It's also one of the most effective Which I know I know sounds to good to be True but this truly is a Powerhouse Tactic that we still use today to bring In new sales and revenue on demand and It's kind of become like an ace up my Sleeve anytime I need to deliver Guaranteed results for a campaign that I'm working on so I want to share with

You so the technical term for what we're About to do here is called a CRC which Stands for customer reactivation Campaign but we're going to elevate this Campaign and take it to the next level So I'm going to call it an acrc as we're Going to be automating the entire Process now what an acrc does is tap Into the most valuable segment of any Business's Market it's previous buyers And customers not only are previous Buyers and customers the most likely Segment of the market to purchase again But you also already have their contact Information meaning you don't need to do Any addition marketing or run any kind Of paid advertising campaign in order to Get new leads with their names and their Emails and their phone numbers already At your disposal all you need to do is Reach out and make an offer which again Costs nothing to do so every sale you Make from this campaign is pure profit To implement this strategy you first Need a list of customer contacts as long As you're working with a business that's Been around for a while they should have A database of customers to reach out to Even a few hundred contacts can be Enough to get some real measurable Results next we need a way to contact Them now the method we use 99% of the Time is SMS sending out a text message With an irresistible offer to encourage

Re-engagement as we talked about earlier This is because 95% of text messages are Read within 3 minutes of being sent Sending an SMS or text message has Around a 90% open rate and depending on The offer can also deliver a 30% Response rate which is basically unheard Of using any other medium then we need An offer to send them so here's an Example from a campaign that always Seems to work hi name I've got 10 free Vouchers here on my desk would you be Interested in one obviously replace the Name part with your customer's actual First name and see if you can make Whatever you're offering specific and Relevant and desirable for example a Dentist could offer a free teeth Whitening an auto dealer could offer a Free car wash a roofer could offer a Free inspection a coach or a consultant A free consultation you get the picture Depending on how many people you reach Out to and how desirable your offer is You could expect to see responses and Even sales start coming in in as little As a few hours sometimes even in a few Minutes and that's good very good and if You're looking for even more marketing Strategies to help you grow any business Then you might want to check out the Video that I've got linked up right here Which is going to give you access to Even more of my best tips tricks and

Tactics so feel free to tap or click That now I'll see you in there in just a Second

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